
Proučevanje vpliva izbranih površinsko aktivnih snovi na fizikalno-kemijske lastnosti šamponov s proteini
ID Šneider, Lara (Author), ID Gosenca Matjaž, Mirjam (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Bjelošević Žiberna, Maja (Comentor)

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Kozmetično aktivne sestavine so ključni elementi formulacij kozmetičnih izdelkov. S tem namenom se v izdelke pogosto vključujejo biološke makromolekule, kot so proteini in peptidi. Te molekule imajo širok spekter učinkov na kožo in lase, vključno z regenerativnim, vlažilnim in protimikrobnim delovanjem. Prav tako prispevajo k ohranjanju elastičnosti kože ter krepitvi in obnovi las. Med bolj znane proteine, ki se uporabljajo v kozmetičnih izdelkih, uvrščamo sirotko ter proteine svile in pšenice, ki se razlikujejo po izvoru, sestavi in načinu pridobivanja, kar vpliva na njihove funkcionalne lastnosti v kozmetičnih formulacijah. V diplomski nalogi smo razvili in optimizirali kozmetične formulacije z vgrajeno sirotko, proteini svile in proteini pšenice. V začetni fazi razvoja smo optimizirali formulacijo šampona za vgradnjo izbranih proteinov kot kozmetično aktivnih sestavin. Kot primarno površinsko aktivno snov smo uporabili natrijev lavretsulfat. Nadalje smo določili optimalno koncentracijo sekundarnih površinsko aktivnih snovi v šamponu, in sicer natrijevega lavroilglutamata in/ali natrijevega lavroilsarkozinata. Sledilo je še določanje ustreznega deleža proteinov, pri čemer smo želeli v formulacije vključiti količino, ki bo zagotavljala optimalne fizikalno-kemijske in organoleptične lastnosti. V nadaljevanju smo štiri izbrane optimalne formulacije šamponov izpostavili stabilnostnim testom. Določali smo njihove reološke lastnosti (rotacija, amplituda, frekvenca), pH ter organoleptične lastnosti. Vzorce smo shranjevali na sobni temperaturi ter na povišani temperaturi (40 °C) v obdobju treh tednov. Vrednotili smo jih ob času nič, po enem tednu in treh tednih. Po treh tednih stabilnostne študije smo ugotovili, da so imeli proteini pšenice največji vpliv na organoleptične lastnosti formulacij. Prisoten je bil neprijeten vonj, opazili smo tudi intenzivno obarvanje. Posamezni proteini vplivajo tudi na viskoznost šampona, najnižjo viskoznost je imel šampon z dodanimi proteini pšenice. Izdelane formulacije smo na podlagi preliminarnih testov označili za stabilne. V končni fazi smo v šampone vgradili pigment in korigens vonja, s čimer smo izboljšali senzorične in estetske lastnosti izdelkov. Zaključimo lahko, da vse štiri formulacije šamponov izkazujejo ustrezno stabilnost, ne glede na vrsto vgrajenih proteinov. Rezultate bi bilo smiselno nadgraditi z izvedbo dolgoročnih stabilnostnih študij.

Keywords:kozmetični izdelek, šampon, površinsko aktivna snov, proteini in peptidi, testi stabilnosti
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FFA - Faculty of Pharmacy
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161396 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Study of selected surfactants' impact on physicochemical properties of protein-based shampoos
Cosmetically active ingredients are key elements in cosmetic formulations. Among them, biological macromolecules such as proteins and peptides, are often incorporated into cosmetic products. These molecules have a wide range of effects on skin and hair, including regenerative, moisturising and antimicrobial effects. They also contribute to maintaining the skin elasticity and strengthening and restoring the hair. Well-known proteins, used in cosmetic products, include whey, silk and wheat proteins, which differ in origin, composition and method of extraction, influencing their functional properties within cosmetic formulations. In the diploma thesis, we developed and optimised cosmetic formulations with incorporated whey, silk and wheat proteins. In the initial phase of development, the shampoo formulations were optimised for the incorporation of the selected proteins as cosmetically active ingredients. Sodium lauryl laureth sulphate was used as the primary surfactant. Furthermore, the optimum concentration of the secondary surfactants in the shampoo, namely sodium lauroylglutamate and/or sodium lauroylsarcosinate, was determined. This was followed by the determination of the appropriate amounts of proteins to ensure suitable physico-chemical and organoleptic properties of the formulations. Next, four optimal shampoo formulations were selected and subjected to stability tests. Their rheological features (rotation, amplitude, and frequency), pH values and organoleptic properties were determined. The samples were stored at room and elevated temperature (40 °C) for a period of three weeks. They were evaluated at time zero, after one and three weeks. After the three-week stability study, it was found that wheat proteins had the greatest influence on the organoleptic properties. An unpleasant odour was present and intense colouring was observed. The individual proteins also had an effect on the viscosity of the shampoo; the shampoo with added wheat proteins showed the lowest viscosity. The formulations produced were considered stable on the basis of preliminary tests. In the final stage, we added a pigment and an odour corrector to the shampoos to improve the sensory and aesthetic properties of the products. It can be concluded that all four shampoo formulations show adequate stability, irrespective of the type of proteins incorporated. It would be worthwhile to build on these results in the context of long-term stability studies.

Keywords:cosmetic product, shampoo, surfactant, proteins and peptides, stability tests

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