
Sinteza acetalov O-alkil in O-acil vanilina in njihovo vrednotenje z vonjalnim testom
ID Bellini, Taja (Author), ID Obreza, Aleš (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Vanilin je organska spojina z aldehidno, metoksi in fenolno skupino na aromatskem obroču in je znana po svojem značilnem vonju, ki se pogosto uporablja v parfumeriji in živilski industriji. Zaradi svoje strukture omogoča sintezo različnih derivatov, vključno z acetali, katerih lastnosti se razlikujejo glede na vrsto uporabljenih sinteznih reagentov. V diplomski nalogi smo se osredotočili na sintezo acetalov O-alkil in O-acil vanilina, ki smo jih pripravili z različnimi alkoholi. Sinteza je potekala v dveh stopnjah, pri čemer smo najprej izvedli reakcije estrenja ali etrenja z uporabo acilkloridov ali alkilhalidov in nato tvorili acetale. Vse produkte smo očistili s kolonsko adsorpcijsko kromatografijo. Strukturo in čistoto produktov smo potrdili s spektroskopskimi metodami, jedrsko magnetno resonanco (NMR) in infrardečo spektroskopijo (IR). V nadaljevanju smo izvedli olfaktorno vrednotenje sintetiziranih spojin, kjer so prostovoljci ocenjevali prijetnost vonja, jakost vonja in vonjalne asociacije. Rezultati so pokazali, da se acetali vanilina razlikujejo po vonju. Med vsemi vzorci je bil vzorec OTK 8 ocenjen kot najbolj prijeten, z izrazito sladkim, sadno-alkoholnim vonjem, medtem ko je bil vzorec OTK 7 ocenjen kot najmanj prijeten zaradi močnega vonja po acetonu in razkužilu. Potrdili smo hipotezo, da ima večina acetalov vanilina prijeten vonj in bi jih lahko uporabili v kozmetičnih izdelkih.

Keywords:vanilin, acetali, kromatografske metode, vonjalna analiza
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FFA - Faculty of Pharmacy
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161392 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Synthesis and olfactory evaluation of O-alkyl and O-acyl vanillin acetals
Vanillin is an organic compound containing an aldehyde, methoxy and phenolic groups on an aromatic ring, known for its characteristic scent, and is frequently used in the perfume and food industries. Due to its structure, it allows the synthesis of various derivatives, including acetals. Vanillin acetals have specific properties that may differ based on the type of reagents used. In this thesis, we focused on the synthesis of O-alkyl and O-acyl vanillin acetals, which were obtained by reactions with various alcohols. The synthesis proceeded in two steps, first esterification or the synthesis of ethers with acyl chlorides or alkyl halides, followed by the formation of acetals. All the products were purified by column adsorption chromatography, the structures and purity of the compounds was determined by spectroscopic methods such as nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and infrared spectroscopy (IR). Further, we conducted olfactory evaluations of the synthesized compounds, where volunteers assessed the pleasantness of the scent, intensity, and scent associations. The results showed that vanillin acetals have different olfactory properties, depending on their structure. Among all the samples, sample OTK 8 was rated the most pleasant, with a pronounced sweet, fruity, and slightly alcoholic scent, while sample OTK 7 was rated the least pleasant due to its strong acetone and solvent-like odor. We confirmed the hypothesis that most vanillin acetals have a pleasant smell and could be used in cosmetic products.

Keywords:vanillin, acetals, chromatographic methods, olfactory evaluation

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