
Modeliranje in vodenje kvadrokopterja z uporabo sistema za zajem gibanja OptiTrack
ID Sovdat, Erik (Author), ID Tomažič, Simon (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Kvadrokopterji predstavljajo kompleksne sisteme, ki jim namenjamo obsežno pozornost, zlasti v visoko- in nizkonivojskem vodenju. Visokonivojsko vodenje obsega generiranje trajektorij, načrtovanje poti in izogibanje oviram. Preverjanje različnih algoritmov vodenja je priporočljivo testirati s pomočjo simulacije. Po končani simulaciji nadaljujemo s testiranjem na sami napravi, kar zahteva uporabo posebne opreme. Cilj tega dela je preučevanje primernega matematičnega modela in upravljanje z njim za namen simulacije, nato pa vzpostaviti sistem za zajem gibanja in testirati osnovne algoritme vodenja na realni napravi. Uspešno smo simulirali letenje kvadrokopterja z uporabo izbranega matematičnega modela. Z optimizacijo PSO smo ustrezno nastavili PID parametre, kar je izboljšalo učinkovitost vodenja. Rezultati so bili zadovoljivi. Manj zadovoljive rezultate smo zabeležili pri testiranju na realni napravi, kar večinoma pripisujemo strojnim omejitvam naprave.

Keywords:DJI Tello, OptiTrack, Motive, kvadrokopter, matematični model, vodenje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161372 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.09.2024
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Title:Modeling and Control of a Quadcopter Using the OptiTrack Motion Capture System
Quadcopters represent complex systems to which we dedicate extensive attention, particularly in high-level and low-level control. High-level control includes trajectory generation, path planning, and obstacle avoidance. Testing various control algorithms using simulation is recommended. After completing the simulation, we proceed with testing on the device itself, which requires the use of specialized equipment. The objective of this work is to study an appropriate mathematical model and manage it for simulation purposes. Subsequently, a motion capture system will be established, and basic control algorithms will be tested on a real device. We successfully simulated the flight of a quadcopter using the chosen mathematical model. With PSO optimization, we appropriately adjusted the PID parameters, improving the efficiency of control. The results were satisfactory. Less satisfactory results were recorded during testing on the actual device, which we largely attribute to the hardware limitations of the device.

Keywords:DJI Tello, Motive, OptiTrack, Quadcopter, mathematical model, control

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