
Vpliv oznake FLAG na fazno separacijo tekoče-tekoče
ID Koren, Žiga (Author), ID Hadži, San (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Fazna separacija tekoče-tekoče (LLPS) je fizikalno-kemijski pojav, pri katerem se raztopina razdeli v dve tekoči fazi, ena z višjo in druga z nižjo koncentracijo topljenca. V diplomskem delu smo raziskovali, kako pri modelnem proteinu nanotelesu 55 (Nb55) prisotnost oznake FLAG z različnim številom ponovitev vpliva na LLPS v odvisnosti od temperature, koncentracije soli, koncentracije proteina in koncentracije polietilen glikola. V ta namen smo z uporabo kloniranja s sestavljanjem in vivo pripravili DNA konstrukte, ki so nosili zapis za nanotelo z 0x (brez oznake), 1x, 2x in 3x oznako FLAG. Pojav LLPS smo spremljali z UV-Vis spektroskopijo ob hlajenju s hitrostjo 0,1 °C/min. Ugotovili smo, da do pojava LLPS pride pri temperaturah med 15 do 5 °C, če ima protein zadostno število ponovitev oznake FLAG. Potrdili smo povezavo med koncentracijo proteina in med nastankom LLPS, saj je do pojava pri vzorcih z višjimi koncentracijami prišlo že pri višjih temperaturah (okoli 15 °C), kot pri tistih z nižjimi koncentracijami (okoli 5 °C). Potrdili smo tudi zvezo med številom ponovitev oznake FLAG in nagnjenostjo k nastanku LLPS, saj sta proteina z 2x in 3x oznako FLAG edina pri katerih smo zaznali LLPS v preiskovanem koncentracijskem območju. Dodatek soli ali polietilen glikola na pojav LLPS deluje zaviralno.

Keywords:fazna separacija tekoče-tekoče, oznaka FLAG, FPLC, UV-Vis, IVA
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161361 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:206978051 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.09.2024
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Title:Impact of FLAG-tagging on liquid-liquid phase separation
Liquid-liquid phase separation (LLPS) is a physico-chemical phenomenon in which a solution spontaneously separates into two liquid phases, with one having a higher and one having a lower concentration of solute. Our research focused on how temperature, salt concentration, protein concentration, addition of crowding agents (eg. polyethylene glycol) and addition of a variable number of FLAG-tag repeats affects LLPS apparition of model protein nanobody 55 (Nb55). For this purpose, we used in vivo assembly cloning to create DNA constructs encoding nanobodies with 0x (without FLAG-tag), 1x, 2x and 3x repeats of the FLAG-tag. We studied the phenomenon using UV-Vis spectroscopy while cooling our samples at a rate of 0,1 °C/min. We discovered that LLPS manifests at temperatures ranging between 15 and 5 °C, if the protein has an adequate number of FLAG repeats. We confirmed a link between protein concentration and LLPS apparition, as samples with higher protein concentrations underwent LLPS at higher temperatures (around 15 °C), than those with lower protein concentrations (around 5 °C). We also established a link between the number of FLAG-tag repeats and the protein's propensity to undergo LLPS, as the proteins with 2x and 3x FLAG-tag repeats are the only ones which underwent LLPS in our studied concentration range. The addition of salt or polyethylene glycol inhibitis LLPS apparition.

Keywords:liquid-liquid phase separation, FLAG-tag, FPLC, UV-Vis, IVA

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