
Oblikovanje seta italijanskih igralnih kart
ID Gulič, Nina (Author), ID Gregor Svetec, Diana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Medved, Tanja (Comentor)

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V diplomskem delu smo izdelali celoten set italijanskih igralnih kart. Vodilo pri tem je bilo pomanjkanje novejših oziroma modernejših različic njihovega videza. Poleg samega seta, smo izdelali še embalažo, v kateri se bo končni set hranil. V teoretičnem delu smo predstavili in raziskali oblikovne rešitve na igralnih kartah in kako so se te razvile in spreminjale skozi zgodovino. Pregledali smo tudi materiale, ki se večinoma uporabljajo za izdelavo kart, ter embalaže in proces tiska tovrstnega izdelka. Predstavili smo tudi, kaj je pomembno pri oblikovanju pisave. V eksperimentalnem delu smo za izdelavo končnega izdelka uporabili prenosni računalnik, program Adobe Ilustrator za izdelavo ilustracij in oblikovne rešitve ter za izdelavo igralnih kart in embalaže. Pri oblikovanju kart smo uspešno izdelali vse potrebne podobe za štiri barve seta. S programom FontLab smo oblikovali nabor števil in jih vključili v dizajn igralnih kart. Igralnim kartam smo izdelali tudi vzorec za hrbtno stran, ki je bil uporabljen za celoten set. Sledilo je še oblikovanje embalažne škatlice, pri katerem smo s pravimi merami zagotovili čim bolj natančno velikost za tesno prileganje kart. Izdelali smo dve vrsti embalaže, to sta »tuck in« (vstavljiva) škatla in teleskopska škatla. Na koncu smo v razpravi primerjali tradicionalni set igralnih kart in embalažo z našim izdelkom. Dosegli smo zadane cilje za oblikovanje italijanskih kart sodobnega videza ter embalaže za shranjevanje in zaščito samih igralnih kart.

Keywords:igralne karte, oblikovanje, embalaža, simboli, pisava
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161342 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Designing set of Italian playing cards
In this thesis we have designed a complete set of Italian playing cards, as there are no newer or more modern versions in their current appearance. In addition to the set itself, we also designed the packaging in which the finished set would be stored. We also presented the design considerations for the typeface design. In the theoretical part, we introduced the playing card designs themselves and explored how they have evolved and changed throughout history. We also looked at the materials that are mainly used to make playing cards, as well as the packaging and printing process of such a product. In the experimental part, we used a laptop to create the final product and Adobe Illustrator to create the illustrations and packaging. For the card design, we successfully created all the necessary images for the four colours of the set. Using FontLab, we created a set of numbers and integrated them into the design of the cards. Finally, we created a design for the back of the cards that was used for the entire deck. Next came the packaging box design, where we used the most accurate measurements to make sure the cards fit exactly. We made two types of packaging, the 'tuck in' box and the telescope box. In the final discussion we compared the existing card set and packaging with our product. We achieved our goal of creating Italian cards with a modern look and packaging to store and protect the cards themselves.

Keywords:playing cards, design, packaging, pictures, typeface

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