
ID Uršič, Miha (Author), ID Vidmar, Peter (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Obravnavano temo v magistrski nalogi sem se lotil predvsem z namenom izboljšanja varnosti na morju. Ukvarjal sem se s predavanji za pridobitev naziva voditelja čolna in kasneje skupaj s poslovnim partnerjem tudi začeli z izvajanjem praktičnega dela usposabljanja na morju. Opazili smo trend naraščanja povpraševanja za praktični del usposabljanja in želeli to urediti na državnem nivoju. Žal, vsak poizkus uvedbe obveznega praktičnega tečaja je propadel. Vzrokov je bilo več. Glavni vzrok je "majhno" število nesreč. Vsekakor je vsaka nesreča odveč. V magistrski nalogi sem primerjal pridobitev državnih in mednarodnih pooblastil za upravljanje s plovilom do 24 metrov. Največja razlika je praktični del in preizkus praktičnega dela. V zaključku pridem do že prej omenjene ugotovitve, da je "premalo" nesreč in da praktičnega dela v takšnem obsegu kot na Hrvaškem in v Italiji še dalj časa ne bo.

Keywords:Varnost čolna na morju. Pridobitev naziva voditelja čolna v Sloveniji in smiselnost uvedbe praktičnega dela za pridobitev naziva voditelja čolna.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FPP - Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161335 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.09.2024
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In my master's thesis, I primarily addressed the topic with the goal of improving safety at sea. I focused on the lectures for obtaining the title of boat leader and later, together with my business partner, began implementing the practical part of the training at sea. We noticed a growing trend in the demand for the practical part of the training and aimed to formalize this at the national level. Unfortunately, every attempt to introduce a mandatory practical course has failed. There were several reasons for this, with the main one being the "low" number of accidents. Nevertheless, every accident is one too many. In my thesis, I compared the acquisition of national and international licenses for operating vessels up to 24 meters. The biggest difference is the practical component and the test of practical skills. In conclusion, I arrive at the previously mentioned finding that there are "too few" accidents and that a practical component at the level seen in Croatia and Italy is unlikely to be introduced anytime soon.

Keywords:Boat safety at sea. Obtaining the title of boat leader in Slovenia and the relevance of introducing a practical component for obtaining the title of boat leader.

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