
Postopek in izvedba meritev nizkonapetostnih inštalacij
ID ISKRA, ANŽE (Author), ID Begeš, Gaber (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomski nalogi je predstavljena tematika elektromeritev nizkonapetostnih inštalacij. Glavni namen zaključnega dela je analizirati in predstaviti postopke ter rezultate meritev, ki zagotavljajo, da električne inštalacije ustrezajo varnostnim, tehničnim in operativnim standardom. V Sloveniji so regulative za meritve napisane v naslednjih dokumentih: - Pravilnik o zahtevah za nizkonapetostne električne inštalacije v stavbah (Uradni list RS,. št. 140/21), - Pravilnik o zaščiti stavb pred delovanjem strele (Uradni list RS,. št. 140/21). Ob tem ne gre pozabiti, da oba predpisa spremljata dve pripadajoči tehnični smernici: - Tehnična smernica za graditev TSG-N-002: 2021 Nizkonapetostne električne inštalacije, - Tehnična smernica za graditev TSG-N-003: 2021 Zaščita pred delovanjem strele. V okviru naloge je bila opravljena serija meritev v celotnem stanovanju, kar vključuje preverjanje izolacijske upornosti, impedance okvarne zanke in impedance kratkostične zanke, preizkus RCD stikala ter merjenje prenapetostnih odvodnikov. Meritve so bile izvedene s pomočjo sodobnega, slovenskega instrumenta (Metrel Eurotest XD), ki je tudi opisan v poglavju Opis uporabljene opreme. Meritve so bile izvedene v skladu z dokumentom Nizkonapetostne električne inštalacije in zaščita pred delovanjem strele, ki ga je izdala slovenska elektrotehniška zveza. V dokumentu najdemo tudi tehnično smernico TSG-N-002 2021, ki je ključni del zakonodaje. Po opravljenih meritvah je bilo izdelano tudi poročilo, ki vsebuje vse podatke ter izmerjene rezultate. Glavni namen te naloge je predstaviti tematiko elektromeritev skozi oči osebe, ki to delo opravlja. Prav tako je cilj poudariti vlogo, ki jo meritve igrajo pri zagotavljanju varne uporabe za vsakega uporabnika.

Keywords:nizkonapetostne inštalacije, električne meritve, tehnična smernica, varnost
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161324 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Procedure and execution of low-voltage installations measurements
Abstract The thesis presents the topic of electrical measurements of low-voltage installations. The main purpose of the final work is to analyze and present the procedures and results of measurements that ensure that electrical installations comply with safety, technical and operational standards. In Slovenia, the regulations for measurements are written in: ⁃ Rules on the requirements for low-voltage electrical installations in buildings (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 140/21), ⁃ Rules on the protection of buildings against lightning (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 140/21). It should also be noted that both regulations are accompanied by two relevant technical guidelines: ⁃ Technical guideline for construction TSG-N-002: 2021 Low-voltage electrical installations, ⁃ Technical guideline for construction TSG-N-003: 2021 Protection against lightning. As part of the task, a series of measurements were carried out throughout the entire apartment, including checking insulation resistance, fault loop impedance, short-circuit loop impedance, testing the RCD switch, and measuring surge protectors. The measurements were performed using a modern Slovenian instrument (Metrel Eurotest XD), which is also described in the chapter Description of used equipment. The measurements were carried out in accordance with the document Low-voltage electrical installations and lightning protection, issued by the Slovenian Electrotechnical Association. The document also contains the technical guideline TSG-N-002 2021, which is a key part of the legislation. After the measurements, a report was also prepared containing all the data and measured results. The main purpose of this task is to present the topic of electrical measurements through the eyes of a person who performs this work. It also aims to emphasize the role that measurements play in ensuring safe use for every user.

Keywords:Low-voltage installations, Electrical measurements, Tehnical guideline, Safety

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