
Vpliv vrste ionov na topnost globularnih proteinov
ID Trajković, Miljan (Author), ID Hribar Lee, Barbara (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V poznem 19. stoletju je Franz Hofmeister, profesor farmakologije na praški univerzi, skupaj s svojimi sodelavci, proučeval fiziološki vpliv različnih soli in njihovih koncentracij na proteine v raztopinah. Takrat je ugotovil, da se dodatek soli v raztopino proteina odraža ne le na njegovo topnost, pač pa tudi na druge fizikalno-kemijske lastnosti in stabilnost. Učinki so seveda odvisni od vrste in koncentracije soli oziroma ionov. Soli je razporedil v vrsto, glede na njihovo zmožnost, da stabilizirajo proteine v raztopini oziroma je ione soli razvrstil na podlagi njihovih liotropnih lastnosti, in sicer sposobnosti, da »vsoljevajo« (kaotropi) ali »izsoljevajo« (kozmotropi) proteine iz raztopine. Karakterističen predstavnik globularnih proteinov je lizocim. Lizocim deluje kot naravna nespecifična zaščita pred bakterijami in glivicami ter ima sposobnost razgradnje raznolikih polisaharidov celičnih sten. Najdemo ga v solzah, slini, jajčnem beljaku. Gre za protein s 129 aminokislinskimi ostanki. V diplomskem delu smo preučili vpliv različnih soli oziroma kozmotropnih in kaotropnih ionov na topnost globularnih proteinov, natančno na HEWL. Pripravili smo raztopine CaCl$_2$, Na$_2$CO$_3$, NaBr in NaF ter jih inkubirali s HEWL pri različnih koncentracijah soli. Potem smo z UV-Vis spektroskopijo spremljali napovedli koncentracijska območja posameznih soli, kjer pride do obarjanja HEWL. Z metodo dinamičnega sipanja svetlobe pa smo izmerili hidrodinamski radij nastalih delcev, transmitanco inkubirane raztopine in določili odvisnost prvega intenzitetnega vrha ter velikost številčno najpogostejšega klastra od koncentracije dodanih soli. Potrdili smo različen vpliv posameznih soli oz. ionov na obarjanje globularnega proteina, pri čemer so kozmotropni ioni zmanjšali topnost proteina in omogočili njegovo obarjanje, kaotropni pa so imeli obraten učinek.

Keywords:lizocim, ioni, topnost, dinamično sipanje svetlobe, Hofmeistrova vrsta
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161270 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:213428227 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:The influence of type of ions on the solubility of globular proteins
In the late 19th century, Franz Hofmeister, professor of pharmacology at the University of Prague, and his colleagues studied the physiological effect of different salts and their concentrations on proteins in solutions. He found that the addition of salts to a protein solution affected not only its solubility but also other physico-chemical properties and stability. The effects depend on the type and concentration of the salt or ion. He classified salts according to their ability to stabilise proteins in solution, or more precisely, he classified ions according to their lyotropic properties, i.e. their ability to »salt-in« (chaotrope) or »salt-out« (cosmotrope) proteins from solution. A typical representative of globular proteins is lysozyme. Lysozyme acts as a natural non-specific protector against bacteria and fungi. It has the ability to degrade and destabilize different varieties of cell wall polysaccharides. It is found in tears, saliva, egg white. It consists of 129 amino acids. In this thesis we investigated the effect of different salts, cosmotropic and chaotropic ions on the solubility of globular proteins, specifically on HEWL. CaCl$_2$, Na$_2$CO$_3$, NaBr and NaF solutions were prepared and incubated with HEWL at different salt concentrations. The concentration ranges of the individual salts where HEWL precipitation occurs were then determined using UV-Vis spectroscopy. The dynamic light scattering method was used to measure the hydrodynamic radius of the resulting particles, the transmittance of the incubated solution and to determine the dependence of the first intensity peak and the size of the most common cluster on the concentration of added salts. We showed the different influence of individual salts and ions on the precipitation of globular protein, with cosmotropic ions decreasing the solubility of the protein and facilitating its precipitation. On the other hand, chaotropic ions had the opposite effect.

Keywords:lysozyme, ions, solubility, dynamic light scattering, Hofmeister series

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