
Zaposlovanje mladih: raziskava trga dela skozi prizmo generacije Z : magistrsko delo
ID Popit, Tjaša (Author), ID Živoder, Andreja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Generacija Z predstavlja mlado in perspektivno delovno silo, ki bo v prihodnosti igrala ključno vlogo pri oblikovanju delovnih okolij in kulture. V magistrskem delu se bom ukvarjala s preučevanjem ene od najbolj aktualnih tem na sodobnem trgu dela. Cilj magistrskega dela bo raziskati perspektive in izzive, s katerimi se soočajo mladi, ki so pripadniki generacije Z, pri zaposlovanju ter analizirati subjektivne percepcije mladih in njihove izkušnje ter dobre prakse na trgu dela. Pri preučevanju teh vprašanj bom uporabila različne metode, vključno s pregledom literature (domače in tuje raziskave) ter lastno empirično raziskavo (intervjuji z iskalci zaposlitve generacije Z). Nalogo bom vodila skozi preučevane sociološke teoretske okvire in lastno raziskavo ter skušala odgovoriti na svoja zastavljena raziskovalna vprašanja. Raziskava bo temeljila na enajstih intervjujih z mladimi, preko katerih bom želela izvedeti, kako se delodajalci, glede na potrebe mladih, prilagajajo spremembam, novostim in potrebam nove generacije na trgu delovne sile. Ključno raziskovalno vprašanje, ki ga bom peljala skozi celotno magistrsko delo je: kateri so ključni izzivi vključevanja generacije Z na trg dela? V diskusiji bom medsebojno primerjala izpovedi in razmišljanja intervjuvanih oseb, izpostavila bom podobnosti in razlike v odnosu do predelane literature ter navedla svoja spoznanja. V zaključku bom povzela bistvene ugotovitve in opažanja ter odgovorila na zastavljena začetna raziskovalna vprašanja.

Keywords:zaposlovanje, mladi, generacija Z, trg dela, delovna okolja
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:T. Popit
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (85 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161247 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:207651331 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Youth employment: labour market research through the lens of generation Z
Generation Z represents a young and promising workforce that will play a key role in shaping work environments and culture in the future. In my master thesis, I will explore one of the most topical issues in the contemporary labour market. The aim of the master thesis is to explore the perspectives and challenges that young people belonging to Generation Z face in employment and to analyse young people's subjective perceptions and their experiences of good practices in the labour market. I will use a variety of methods to explore these issues, including a literature review (domestic and foreign research) and my own empirical research (interviews with Generation Z jobseekers). I will guide the thesis through the sociological theoretical frameworks under study and through my own research, and seek to answer my research questions. The research will be based on eleven interviews with young people, through which I will seek to find out how employers are adapting to the changes, innovations and needs of the new generation on the labour market, according to the needs of young people. The key research question that I will pursue throughout the Master's thesis is: what are the key challenges of integrating Generation Z into the labour market? In the discussion, I will compare the statements and reflections of the interviewees with each other, highlight similarities and differences in relation to the processed literature and state my findings. In the conclusion, I will summarise the main findings and observations and answer the initial research questions.

Keywords:employment, young people, Generation Z, labour market, working environments

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