
Živeti z Downovim sindromom
ID Črešnjar, Mateja (Author), ID Živoder, Andreja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomski nalogi sem pisala o vsakdanjem življenju družin, ki imajo otroka s kromosomsko posebnostjo, imenovano Downov sindromom. Otrok z Downovim sindromom postavi svojo družino pred številne izzive, povezane z njegovim razvojem in vzgojo. Z izzivi, ki jih prinaša življenje z Downovim sindromom, se spopadajo vsi člani družine, tudi sorojenci, ki so večkrat spregledani. Teoretični del diplomske naloge zajema različne teme vsakdanjega življenja z otrokom s posebnimi potrebami. To so poleg zdravstvene oskrbe, še izobraževanje, dnevne rutine in socialne interakcije. Empirični del vsebuje analizo in ugotovitve opravljenih polstrukturiranih intervjujev z materami otrok z Downovim sindromom. Analizirala sem pričevanja sogovornic glede vsakdanjega življenja, njihovih navad in rutin, odnosov znotraj družine, sprejemanja otrok v družini in družbi ter zadovoljstvu mater z življenjem. Ugotovitve kažejo na to, da zahteva vsakdanje življenje z otrokom z Downovim sindromom skrbno usklajevanje različnih potreb otroka ter vseh družinskih članov. Matere, ki so najbolj vpete v otrokov razvoj, doživljajo mešanico različnih občutij, ki pa jih z različnimi pristopi uspešno obvladujejo.

Keywords:Downov sindrom, vsakdanje življenje, rutina, družina, sorojenci
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161244 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Living with Down Syndrome
In my diploma thesis, I wrote about the everyday life of families who have a child with a chromosomal specialty called Down's syndrome. A child with Down syndrome presents his family with many challenges related to his development and upbringing. All family members struggle with the challenges of living with Down syndrome, including siblings who are often overlooked. The theoretical part of the thesis covers various topics of everyday life with a child with special needs. These are, in addition to medical care, education, daily routines and social interactions. The empirical part contains the analysis and findings of semi-structured interviews with mothers of children with Down syndrome. I analyzed the testimonies of the interlocutors regarding everyday life, their habits and routines, relationships within the family, acceptance of children in the cociety and mothers' satisfaction with life. The findings indicate that everyday life with a child with Down syndrome requires careful coordination of the various needs of the child and all family members. Mothers, who are the most involved in their child's development, experience a mixture of different feelings, which they manage successfully with different approaches.

Keywords:Down Syndrome, Everyday life, Rutine, Family, Siblings

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