
Mikro nadzor v vsakdanjem življenju
ID Ule, Lara (Author), ID Krašovec, Primož (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo obravnava logiko, procese, tehnike in tehnologije sodobnega (družbenega) nadzorovanja. Razvoj družbenega nadzora se kaže s prehodom od (formalnega) družbenega nadzora pretežno javne sfere »individuov« v družbi k vse bolj »mikro« nadzoru zasebne sfere »dividuov« v družbi, pri čemer imajo ključno vlogo sodobne tehnologije in tehnike nadzorovanja. Pojem »mikro« nadzor se nanaša na njegovo nevidnost (netransparentnost), vpetost v elemente in procese vsakdana ter na tehnike nadzorovanja, ki zasledujejo mikro nagnjenja oziroma afekte posameznikov (uporabnikov). Spremembe v nadzorovanju lahko pojasnimo s prehodom od »panoptičnih« k »postpanoptičnim« teorijam nadzora, s primeri tehnik in tehnologij nadzora (algoritmi in prakse ekstrakcije podatkov), procesoma kulturne in strojne singularizacije, ki spodbujata logiko sodobnega »mikro« nadzorovanja ter kibernetiko kot sodobno tehnologijo oblasti za pojasnjevanje odnosa med človeškimi in nečloveškimi (tehnološkimi) elementi in dejavniki sistema oziroma sistemov sodobnega nadzorovanja in vloge (in)dividuov v njih.

Keywords:družbeni nadzor, tehnologije nadzorovanja, postpanoptične teorije nadzora, algoritmi, singularizacija, kibernetika.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[L. Ule]
Number of pages:34 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161218 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Micro-control in Everyday life
The thesis deals with the logic, processes, techniques and technologies of modern (social) surveillance. The evolution of social surveillance is manifested by the transition from (formal) social surveillance of the predominantly public sphere of "individuals" in society to the increasingly "micro" surveillance of the private sphere of "dividuals" in society, in which modern surveillance technologies and techniques play a key role. The concept of "micro" surveillance refers to its invisibility (non-transparency), its embeddedness in the elements and processes of everyday life, and to surveillance techniques that pursue the micro inclinations or affects of individuals (users). The changes in surveillance can be explained by the shift from "panoptic" to "post-panoptic" theories of surveillance, by examples of surveillance techniques and technologies (algorithms and data extraction practices), by processes of cultural and machine singularisation that promote the logic of contemporary "micro" surveillance, and by cybernetics as a contemporary technology of power to explain the relationship between the human and non-human (technological) elements and factors of the system(s) of contemporary surveillance and the role of the (in)dividuals in them.

Keywords:social control, surveillance technologies, post-panoptic theories of control, algorithms, singularisation, cybernetics.

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