
Analiza izbranih neželenih učinkov zaviralcev anaplastične limfomske kinaze, poročanih v farmakovigilančni bazi Eudravigilance
ID Jugović, Tjaša (Author), ID Knez, Lea (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Čebron Lipovec, Nanča (Comentor)

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Zaviralci anaplastične limfomske kinaze (ALK) predstavljajo pomembno možnost zdravljenja ALK-pozitivnega nedrobnoceličnega pljučnega raka. Krizotinib je zdravilo 1. generacije zaviralcev ALK-tirozin kinaze (TKI), ceritinib, alektinib in brigatinib so zdravila 2. generacije, lorlatinib pa zdravilo 3. generacije. Rezultati kliničnih preskušanj kažejo, da imajo te zdravilne učinkovine različne varnostne profile. Z namenom preučitve varnostnih profilov ALK-TKI z analizo pogostosti pojavov izbranih domnevnih neželenih učinkov (NU), smo iz baze EudraVigilance pridobili poročila o domnevnih NU za vseh pet omenjenih zdravil, ki so bila objavljena v okviru evropskega gospodarskega prostora med leti 2012 in 2023. Podatke smo izvozili v računalniški program Excel in izraze za NU klasificirali skladno z medicinskim slovarjem za regulatorne aktivnosti MedDRA. Analizo smo osredotočili na tiste NU, ki so v povzetkih glavnih značilnosti obravnavanih zdravil (SmPC) navedeni v poglavju 4.4 Posebna opozorila in previdnostni ukrepi. Za odkrivanje varnostnih signalov v okviru izvedene analize nesorazmernosti, smo izračunali razmerja obetov na podlagi poročanja (ROR). Med leti 2012 in 2023 je bilo v bazi EudraVigilance za obravnavana zdravila objavljenih 3377 poročil in 8415 domnevnih NU, in sicer 1365 za krizotinib, 1069 za alektinib, 470 za lorlatinib, 246 za ceritinib in 227 za brigatinib. Odkrili smo nekaj pomembnih varnostnih signalov med NU in zdravili. Diareja, slabost in bruhanje (ROR 4,81) ter zvišane vrednosti lipaze in amilaze (ROR 5,19) so bili statistično značilno bolj povezani s ceritinibom; bolezni sečil (ROR 2,42), nevtropenija in levkopenija (ROR 11,64), bradikardija (ROR 2,36), podaljšanje intervala QT (ROR 6,40) in srčno popuščanje (ROR 2,99) s krizotinibom; bolezni mišic (ROR 3,38), pnevmonitis (ROR 2,08), hemolitična anemija (ROR 8,06) in atrioventrikularni blok (ROR 8,69) pa z alektinibom. Pričakovano so bile očesne bolezni statistično značilne za krizotinib (ROR 3,19), hiperglikemija za ceritinib (ROR 4,04), hipertenzija za brigatinib (ROR 16,87), hiperlipidemija (ROR 79,05) in psihiatrične motnje pa za lorlatinib (ROR 3,11). Fotosenzitivnost je bila statistično značilno bolj pogosta pri alektinibu (ROR 2,29) in brigatinibu (ROR 8,16). Za perforacijo prebavil in hepatotoksičnost pa nismo ugotovili statistično značilnih razlik med obravnavanimi zaviralci ALK-TKI. Z analizo zbranih podatkov smo torej odkrili pomembne varnostne signale in potrdili razlike med varnostnimi profili obravnavanih zdravil, kar bi lahko bistveno pripomoglo k izbiri najustreznejšega zdravila v klinični praksi, obenem pa potrdili dejstvo, da je spremljanje in poročanje domnevnih NU tudi po prihodu zdravila na trg bistvenega pomena.

Keywords:zaviralci ALK-TKI, farmakovigilanca, EudraVigilance, neželeni učinki
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FFA - Faculty of Pharmacy
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161217 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of selected adverse events of anaplastic lymphoma kinase inhibitors reported in the pharmacovigilance database Uudravigilance
Anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) inhibitors represent an important treatment option in ALK-positive non-small cell lung cancer. Crizotinib is the first-generation of ALK-tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKI), while ceritinib, alectinib, and brigatinib are second-generation, and lorlatinib the third-generation. Clinical trial results have demonstrated that these drugs differ in their safety profile. To examine the safety profiles of ALK-TKIs by analysing the frequency of selected suspected adverse events, we obtained reports of suspected adverse events (AEs) for all five investigated drugs from the EudraVigilance database, reported within the European Economic Area between 2012 and 2023. The data were exported to computer program Excel, and AEs terms were categorized per Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities (MedDRA). Our analysis focused on AEs listed in section 4.4 Special Warnings and Precautions for Use, of the SmPC for the investigated drugs. Disproportionality analyses were conducted to detect safety signals by calculating reporting odds ratios (RORs). During 2012-2023, 3377 reports and 8415 suspected AEs were submitted in the EudraVigilance database, including 1365 reports for crizotinib, 1069 for alectinib, 470 for lorlatinib, 246 for ceritinib, and 227 for brigatinib. Significant safety signs were found among some common class AEs. Diarrhoea, nausea and vomiting (ROR 4,81) and lipase or amylase elevations (ROR 5,19) were significantly associated with ceritinib, urinary tract disorders (ROR 2,42), neutropenia and leukopenia (ROR 11,64), bradycardia (ROR 2,36), QT interval prolongation (ROR 6,40) and cardiac failure (ROR 2,99) with crizotinib, whereas muscle disorders (ROR 3,38), pneumonitis (ROR 2,08), haemolytic anaemia (ROR 8,06) and atrioventricular block (ROR 8,69) were significantly associated with alectinib. As expected, eye disorders were significantly associated with crizotinib (ROR 3,19), hyperglycaemia with ceritinib (ROR 4,04), hypertension with brigatinib (ROR 16,87), while hyperlipidaemia and psychiatric disorders with lorlatinib (ROR 79,05, and ROR 3,11, respectively). Photosensitivity was associated both with alectinib (ROR 2,29) and brigatinib (ROR 8,16). We did not find statistically significant differences between investigated ALK-TKIs regarding gastrointestinal perforation and hepatotoxicity. The analysis revealed significant safety signals and confirmed differences between the safety profiles of the investigated medicines, which can contribute to the selection of the most appropriate ALK-TKI in clinical practice and confirms the importance of post-authorization monitoring and reporting suspected AEs.

Keywords:ALK-TKI inhibitors, pharmacovigilance, EudraVigilance, adverse events

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