
Adjuvansi v humanih cepivih
ID Jović, Marija (Author), ID Narat, Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Adjuvansi so lahko molekule, spojine ali makromolekularni kompleksi, ki povečajo moč, kakovost ali dolgotrajnost specifičnih imunskih odzivov na antigen, vendar morajo izkazovati minimalno toksičnost. Na splošno lahko adjuvanse razvrstimo kot imunomodulatorje ali dostavna sredstva, pri čemer imajo nekatere komponente obe lastnosti. Adjuvansi delujejo na celice, ki jih imenujemo antigen predstavitvene celice (APC) in le-te so ključne tako pri prirojeni kot tudi pri pridobljeni imunosti. Koristni učinki formulacij adjuvansov so bili opisani za številna klinična cepiva, vendar so lahko pomembne kemične in strukturne lastnosti posameznih oljnih in lipidnih komponent adjuvansov pogosto zapletene. Molekule adjuvansov morajo biti ustrezno oblikovane za največji učinek in stabilnost. Optimalno formuliran adjuvans je tisti, ki je varen, stabilen (med hrambo), je sposoben spodbujati antigensko specifičen imunski odziv, poceni za proizvodnjo in enostaven za uporabo. V zadnjih letih je bila pozornost usmerjena na adjuvanse zaradi razvoja prečiščenih, podenotnih in sintetičnih cepiv, ki so slabi imunogeni in potrebujejo adjuvanse za sprožitev imunskega odziva. Z uporabo adjuvansov lahko imunski odziv selektivno moduliramo na histokompatibilni kompleks (MHC) razreda I ali MHC razreda II ter na tip Th1 ali Th2, kar je zelo pomembno za zaščito pred boleznimi, ki jih povzročajo intracelularni patogeni, kot so virusi, paraziti in bakterije. Cilj diplomske naloge je predstaviti različne tipe adjuvansov, ki se uporabljajo kot dodatki v cepivih ter, razložiti mehanizme njihovega delovanja.

Keywords:Cepiva, adjuvansi, imunologija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161214 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:207091459 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Adjuvants in human vaccines
Adjuvants can be molecules, compounds or macromolecular complexes that enhance the strength, quality, or duration of specific immune responses to an antigen, but they must cause minimal toxicity. Generally, adjuvants can be classified as immunomodulators or delivery systems, with some components possessing both properties. Adjuvants target cells known as antigen-presenting cells (APCs), which are crucial in both innate and acquired immunity. The beneficial effects of adjuvant formulations have been described for numerous clinical vaccines, but the important chemical and structural properties of individual oil and lipid components of adjuvants are often complex. Adjuvant molecules must be properly designed for maximum effect and stability. An optimally formulated adjuvant is one that is safe, stable (during storage), capable of stimulating an antigen-specific immune response, cost-effective to produce, and easy to use. In recent years, adjuvants have gained attention due to the development of purified, subunit, and synthetic vaccines, which are poor immunogens and require adjuvants to trigger an immune response. By using adjuvants, the immune response can be selectively modulated to major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I or MHC class II, and to Th1 or Th2 type, which is crucial for protection against diseases caused by intracellular pathogens such as viruses, parasites, and bacteria. The aim of this thesis is to present various types of adjuvants used as additives in vaccines, explain their mechanisms of action, and define their roles.

Keywords:Vaccines, adjuvants, immunology

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