
Biotski in abiotski dejavniki, ki spreminjajo kakovost pridelka ekološko pridelanih vrtnin
ID Prašović, Maks (Author), ID Kacjan Maršić, Nina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomski nalogi so predstavljeni biotski in abiotski dejavniki, ki v ekološkem načinu pridelave pomembno vplivajo na rast vrtnin in spreminjajo njihovo kakovost. V ekološki pridelavi so rastline zaradi omejitev določenih sredstev za gnojenje in varstvo posevkov bolj izpostavljene različnih stresom. Med vzroke za stres uvrščamo slanost tal, visoke temperature, sušo, napade škodljivcev in bolezni ter kompeticijo s pleveli. Izpostavljenost stresu vodi do morfoloških, fizioloških in biokemičnih prilagoditev vrtnin, ki zaradi tega pogosto rastejo počasneje. Poleg tega dejavniki stresa upočasnjujejo rast in zmanjšujejo količino pridelka in hkrati vplivajo na kopičenje antioksidantov in sekundarnih metabolitov, kot so askorbinska kislina, fenolne spojine, glukozinolati in terpeni. Rastline tvorijo omenjene molekule zato, da bi se zaščitile pred prostimi kisikovimi radikali, da bi ohranile turgor v celicah in strukturo lipidov ter proteinov. Antioksidanti in sekundarni metaboliti so ključni za ohranjanje homeostaze in odpravljanje oziroma preprečevanje poškodb tkiv v stresnih razmerah. Te molekule imajo pomembno vlogo v človekovi prehrani, saj imajo veliko pozitivnih učinkov na zdravje. Primerjave ekološko in integrirano oziroma konvencionalno pridelane zelenjave so pokazale, da ekološko pridelana zelenjava pogosto vsebuje več antioksidantov in sekundarnih metabolitov, kar tudi potrjuje tezo, da so ekološke vrtnine bolj izpostavljene stresu. V diplomski nalogi so opisana tudi nekatera sredstva, ki so dovoljena pri ekološki pridelavi in lajšajo negativne vplive manj ugodnih rastnih razmer ter s tem povečujejo količino in kakovost pridelka.

Keywords:vrtnarstvo, biotski stres, abiotski stres, ekološka pridelava, antioksidanti
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161187 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:206913539 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Biotic and abiotic factors that modify the fruit quality of ecologically produced vegetables
This thesis presents the biotic and abiotic stress factors that have a significant impact on the growth and quality of vegetables in organic production. In organic production, due to the limitations of the permitted pesticides and fertilisers, plants are more exposed to stress. The causes of stress include soil salinity, high temperatures, drought, pest and disease infestation and weed pressure. Exposure to stress leads to morphological, physiological and biochemical adaptations in vegetables, often resulting in slower plant growth. In addition to slowing growth and reducing yield, stress factors also affect the accumulation of antioxidants and secondary metabolites such as ascorbic acid, phenolic compounds, glucosinolates and terpenes. Plants form these molecules to protect themselves from reactive oxygen species, to maintain cell turgor and to maintain lipid and protein conformations. Antioxidants and secondary metabolites are key to maintaining homeostasis and repairing or preventing damage to plant tissues under stress conditions. These molecules also play an important role in human nutrition, as they have many beneficial effects on human health. Comparisons between organic and conventional or integrated vegetable production have shown that organically produced vegetables often contain more antioxidants and secondary metabolites, which also supports the thesis that organic vegetables are more exposed to stress. This thesis also describes some of the products that are allowed in organic production to alleviate the negative effects of stress and to increase the quantity and quality of yields.

Keywords:Gardening, biotic stress, abiotic stress, organic vegetable production, antioxidants

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