
RNA interferenca in s pršenjem inducirano utišanje genov kot rešitev za obvladovanje škodljivcev in bolezni pri kmetijskih rastlinah
ID Škerbec, Rok (Author), ID Jakše, Jernej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Škodljivci in bolezni rastlin predstavljajo velik problem v današnji proizvodnji hrane. Uporaba fitofarmacevtskih sredstev (FFS) je ena najboljših možnosti, katere se lahko poslužujemo v varstvu rastlin. Ker pa so najučinkovitejši FFS-ji pogosto strupeni za človeka in neciljne organizme, se opravljajo raziskave na potencialnih naprednejših sistemih v boju s škodljivimi organizmi. Od objave članka leta 1998, v katerem je bil opisan mehanizem RNA interference, se v povezavi s tem biološkim fenomenom dela različne raziskave, med drugim tudi na področju varstva rastlin. Bistvo sistema je izpostavitev celic dvoverižni RNA, katero biološke entitete v organizmih prepoznajo in razrežejo na manjše dele. Te krajše enote se kasneje vežejo na mRNA, katera se prav tako razreže, kar onemogoči sintezo proteina. Obstaja več načinov, kako lahko te pripravke nanesemo oziroma vnesemo v rastlino. Pomembno je poznati različne biološke lastnosti škodljivih organizmov, kot tudi rastlin, saj je od tega odvisna uspešnost tretiranja. Določene skupine škodljivcev, na primer hrošči, so precej bolj občutljive na tovrstne pripravke kot druge skupine. Trenutno je na trgu na voljo en pripravek, na podlagi RNAi in sicer proti koloradskemu hrošču. Raziskave so usmerjene, da bi takih pripravkov bilo več. Glede na regulativo bi verjetno bili dostopni tudi v Evropi. Zaradi specifičnosti in manjšega vpliva na naravo, so zelo dobra alternativa dosedanjim kemičnim FFS-jem.

Keywords:RNA interferenca, varstvo rastlin, SIGS, dsRNA pripravki, rastlinski škodljivci, rastlinske bolezni
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161182 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:207221763 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.09.2024
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Title:RNA interference and spray-induced gene silencing as a solution for pest and disease management in agricultural crops
Plant pests and diseases are a major problem in today's food production. The use of pesticides is one of the best options we have for plant protection. However, as the most effective synthetic pesticides are often toxic to humans and non-target organisms, research is being carried out on potential more advanced systems to combat pests. Since the publication of a paper in 1998 describing the mechanism of RNA interference, a variety of research has been carried out on this biological phenomenon, including in the field of plant protection. The essence of the system is the exposure of cells to double-stranded RNA, which is recognised and cut into smaller pieces by biological entities in organisms. These shorter units subsequently bind to the mRNA, which is also cut, making protein synthesis impossible. There are several ways in which these products can be applied or introduced into the plant. It is important to know the different biological characteristics of pests as well as of plants, as this determines the success of the treatment. Certain groups of pests, such as beetles, are much more sensitive to such products than other groups. Currently, one RNAi-based product is available on the market against Colorado potato beetle. Research is directed towards more such products. They are likely to be available in Europe, given the regulatory situation. Their specificity and lower impact on nature make them a very good alternative to current chemical pesticides.

Keywords:RNA interference, plant protection, SIGS, dsRNA products, plant pests, plant diseases

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