
Tehnološki ukrepi za preprečevanje sončnih ožigov jabolk
ID Šavs, Nežka (Author), ID Veberič, Robert (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Sončni ožigi so fiziološke motnje, ki nastanejo zaradi prekomernega sončnega sevanja; predvsem UV-B in previsokih temperatur. Pri plodovih ločimo tri vrste sončnih ožigov. Nekroze kožice nastanejo, ko temperatura površine plodov (TPP) doseže 52 °C, porjavenje kožice se pojavi, ko TPP doseže 46-49 °C in foto-oksidativni sončni ožigi se pojavijo, ko je plod nenadoma izpostavljen prekomerni sončni svetlobi. Čeprav ima jabolko posebne mehanizme, s katerimi se zavaruje, sončni ožigi ne poškodujejo samo zunanjosti plodu, ampak tudi njegovo notranjost. Spremenijo se tudi vsebnost topne suhe snovi, titracijskih kislin in trdota ploda. Na pojav sončnih ožigov vplivajo izbira podlage, sorte in gojitvene oblike, s katerimi lahko sončne ožige tudi omilimo. Bujnejša podlaga in manj dovzetnejša sorta imata velik vpliv na zmanjšanje te motnje. Tehnološki ukrepi, ki so najbolj učinkoviti in vplivajo na zmanjšanje pojava ožigov so evaporativno hlajenje z vodo (EC), ki zmanjša temperaturo plodov za 4,4-6,7 °C, papirnate vrečke in senčne mreže, ki lahko znižajo temperaturo v nasadu za 5,4-9,7 °C, ter kaolin, ki lahko zniža temperaturo ploda za 1,5-6,4 °C. Med pridelovalci sta najbolj priljubljena ukrepa uporaba senčnih mrež in kaolina, saj senčimo s protitočnimi mrežami, ki so standardni del tehnologije, pri kaolinu pa je enostavna uporaba. V prihodnje se bo uporaba teh in še dodatnih ukrepov, zaradi vedno pogostejših obdobji vročega in suhega vremena tudi pri nas, še povečevala.

Keywords:sončni ožigi, jabolka, tehnološki ukrepi
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161181 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:207449347 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.09.2024
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Secondary language

Sunburn is a physiological disorder caused by excessive solar radiation; especially UV-B and excessive temperatures. There are three types of sunburn. Sunburn necrosis occurs when the fruit surface temperature (TPP) reaches 52 °C, sunburn browning occurs when TPP reaches 46-49 °C, and photo-oxidative sunburn occurs when the fruit is suddenly exposed to excessive sunlight. Although apples have special mechanisms to protect themselves, sunburn affects not only the outside of the fruit but also the inside - the content of dry matter, titratable acids, and firmness of the fruit changes. In addition to light and temperatures, factors including the choice of rootstock, cultivar and training system can also be used to mitigate sunburn. Semi-vigorous or vigorous rootstocks and less susceptible cultivars have a big impact on reducing this disorder. Technological measures that are the most effective and have had an impact on reducing the occurrence of sunburn are evaporative cooling (EC), which reduces the fruit temperature for 4,4-6,7 °C, fruit bagging, use of shade nets causes 5,4-9,7 °C lower temperatures and use of kaolin lowers temperatures of fruit for 1,5-6,4 °C. Among the growers, the most popular measures are the use of shade nets and kaolin, since hail nets, are a standard part of the technology, and kaolin is easy to use. In the future, these and additional measures will be used even more, due to increasingly frequent periods of hot and dry weather in our country as well.

Keywords:sunburn, apples, technological measures

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