
Snemanje in montaža stop motion animacije z naslovom Škatla
ID Sudar, Lara (Author), ID Starešinič, Marica (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Gabrijelčič Tomc, Helena (Comentor)

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Stop motion animacija je ena izmed oblik animacije, ki se je lahko loti tudi animator začetnik. Celoten postopek animacije se lahko izvede v domačem okolju, s cenovno ugodnimi materiali in opremo ter z nizkimi stroški snemanja. Obstoječa literatura o animaciji stop motion predstavlja dobro izhodišče za pripravo in snemanje lastnega izdelka, kratkega animiranega filma. Namen naše diplomske naloge je bil posneti kratek film s tehniko stop motion animacije in opisati sam proces animiranja. Poseben poudarek je bil na težavah, s katerimi smo se srečevali med pripravami na snemanje, torej pri izdelavi scene in lutke, kakor tudi pri izbiri programske opreme. Predlagali smo možne rešitve in izboljšave. Pri izdelavi lutke je bilo potrebno izbrati preverjeno kombinacijo materialov, ki zagotavljajo stabilnost lutke. Programsko opremo je bilo potrebno pred pričetkom snemanja testirati in zagotoviti njeno brezhibnost. Podrobno smo opisali, kako zagotoviti zadostno število posnetkov, ki bodo omogočili nemoten prehod med posameznimi kadri in kontinuiteto animacije. V primeru premajhne baze posnetkov smo predlagali uporabo glasbene podlage, s katero se lahko zapolnijo vrzeli med kadri. Neželene pospeške in preskoke med njimi pa smo minimalizirali s kvalitetno montažo. Končni izdelek je rezultat uspešnosti realizacije naše osnovne ideje, ki smo jo razvijali skozi vse faze snemanja, in tudi naših napak, ki so posledica naše neizkušenosti in neznanja.

Keywords:stop-motion, lutka, produkcija, žično ogrodje, montiranje, odpravljanje napak kadriranja
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161171 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.09.2024
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Title:Recording and editing of stop motion animation titled Škatla
Stop motion animation is one of the forms of animation that can also be taken up by a amateur animator. The entire animation process can be carried out in a home environment, with affordable materials and equipment, and with low shooting costs. The existing literature on stop motion animation represents a good starting point for the preparation and filming of your own product, a short animated film. The purpose of our diploma thesis was to make a short film using the stop motion animation technique and to describe the animation process itself. Special emphasis was placed on the problems we encountered during the preparations for filming, the production of the scene and the puppet, as well as in the selection of software. We suggested possible solutions and improvements. When making the doll, it was necessary to choose a proven combination of materials that ensure the stability of the doll. The software had to be tested before filming began to ensure that it was flawless. We have described in detail how to ensure a sufficient number of shots that will allow a smooth transition between individual frames and the continuity of animation. In the case of too small a database of recordings, we suggested using a soundtrack that can fill in the gaps between frames. Unwanted accelerations and jumps between them have been minimized with quality editing. The final product is the result of the success of the realization of our basic idea, which we developed throughout all phases of filming, as well as our mistakes that are the result of our inexperience and ignorance.

Keywords:stop-motion, puppet, production, wireframe, assembly, framing error correction

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