In the thesis titled Touch from the past, the creation and execution of the first original collection is described. The inspiration for the collection was primarily drawn from the history of underwear, covering everything from its inception to the present day. The theoretical part focuses on underwear from the 20th and 21st centuries, with further detailed descriptions of underwear and clothing from the ancient Egyptian civilization and ancient Rome. The inspiration is not only derived from the clothing culture of these ancient civilizations; the textile techniques they used were also a source of inspiration. Significant attention is given to pleating, characteristic of Egypt, and draping, which is a hallmark of ancient Rome. The entire collection thus includes many elements of ancient cultures. The last chapter of the theoretical part is dedicated to sensuality. It presents the significance of nudity and society's attitude towards it. A large portion of this chapter is also devoted to the presentation of the manipulation and marketing of nudity; nudity is examined in greater detail in the context of Playboy magazine. Each of the four chapters also includes examples of clothing from contemporary fashion. The experimental part of the thesis is focused on a detailed presentation of the fashion collection development process. The starting point includes a thorough analysis of the key themes that served as the inspiration for the collection. The target group and the description of the ideal model are also presented. The key chapters cover the color palette and material selection. The chapter Development of the Collection showcases the entire process, from inspirational collages and fashion sketches to realized silhouettes. A fashion editorial is added at the end, including two photographs of each completed creation. The final product is a realized collection of five silhouettes, intended for young women who feel confident in their skin and do not view nudity as a taboo.