
Kolekcija oblačil z naslovom Ženska kot povod kaosa
ID Černe, Zarja (Author), ID Fajt, Elena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Pri oblikovanju kolekcija oblačil z naslovom Ženska kot povod kaosa me je inspiriral družbeni položaj žensk, predvsem odnos do ženskega telesa. Raziskovanje te teme me je pripeljalo do treh različnih izhodišč, katerih tematike sem uporabila pri oblikovanju kolekcije. Namen kolekcije je združitev mitologije in anatomije z medijem kvačkanja, da bi ustvarila kolekcijo, ki telo secira in ga obenem vrne nazaj ženski. V teoretičnem delu sem raziskovala tri glavne teme, ki so me inspirirale pri oblikovanju kolekcije. Začela sem z raziskovanjem mitologije o nastanku človeka, ki po mojem mnenju sooblikuje poglede na vloge spolov. Osredotočila sem se na dva najpomembnejša mita za evropski prostor: krščanski mit o jabolku spoznanja in grški mit o Pandorini skrinjici. V nadaljevanju sem se posvetila raziskovanju zgodovine anatomije, vzporedno z raziskovanjem anatomije ženske, ki se je razvijala počasneje glede na njen podrejeni položaj. Vključila sem tudi raziskovanje motiva anatomije v modi. Pri zadnji točki teoretičnega dela sem se osredotočila na zgodovino kvačkanja, povezavo med žensko in kvačkanjem ter kvačkanju v modi. V praktičnem delu diplomske naloge sem opisala proces nastajanje kolekcije. Ob raziskovanju treh izhodiščnih tem sem se odločila za barvno paleto in materiale, ki so mi v grobem narekovali izgled kolekcije. Nastala kolekcija vsebuje sedem unikatnih silhuet, ki se povezujejo skozi vzdušje, barve, materiale in inspiracijo ter si nasprotujejo skozi teksture, oblike in oblačilnost. Kolekcija tako povzame moje razmišljanje o vlogi ženske, njeni odtujenosti od lastnega telesa in o kontrastu med normo in kaosom.

Keywords:ženska, anatomija, kvačkanje, mitologija, kolekcija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161169 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.09.2024
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Title:Fashion collection titled Woman as an Agent of Chaos
When designing a fashion collection titled Woman as a Cause of Chaos, I was inspired by the social position of women, especially the attitude towards the female body. Researching this topic led me to three different starting points, the themes of which I used in the design of the collection. The collection aims to combine mythology and anatomy with the medium of crochet to create a collection that dissects the body and returns it to the woman at once. In the theoretical part, I researched three main topics that inspired me in the design of the collection. I started by researching mythology about the creation of man, which, in my opinion, co-shapes views on gender roles. I focused on the two most important myths for the European space: the Christian myth of the apple of knowledge and the Greek myth of Pandora's Box. In the following, I dedicated myself to researching the history of anatomy, in parallel with researching the anatomy of women, which developed more slowly due to their subordinate position. I also researched the motif of anatomy in fashion. In the last point of the theoretical work, I focused on the history of crochet, the connection between women and crochet, and crochet in fashion. In the practical part of the diploma thesis, I described the process of creating the collection. After researching three basic themes, I decided on a colour palette and materials that roughly dictated the look of the collection. The resulting collection contains seven unique silhouettes that connect through atmosphere, colours, materials and inspiration, and contrast each other through textures, shapes and wearability. The collection thus summarizes my thoughts on the role of women, their alienation from her own body and the contrast between norm and chaos.

Keywords:woman, anatomy, crochet, mythology, collection

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