
Oblikovanje in analiza pisav z osebnostnimi lastnostmi filmskih junakov
ID Javornik, Nuša (Author), ID Možina, Klementina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Pisava je pomembna za prenos misli, idej in informacij med posamezniki ter za ohranjanje zgodovine in tradicije. Pisava in osebe v filmih igrajo ključno vlogo pri oblikovanju vizualnega sveta in prikazovanju čustev. Glavni namen diplomskega dela je bil oblikovati šest pisav, ki spominjajo na osebe iz izbranih filmov, in le-te umestiti na posterje. V teoretičnem delu smo raziskali področje tipografije, torej deli črk, različice pisave in črkovni slogi, likovna teorija, barve, barvni kontrasti in njeni pomeni ter na koncu napisali nekaj o posterjih, oblikovalskih elementih in oblikovalskih načelih. V eksperimentalnem delu smo opisali materiale in metode dela, kjer smo najprej naredili podrobno analizo posameznih filmskih junakov iz izbranih filmov. Slednjih je bilo šest in so bili razdeljeni v tri protagoniste in tri antagoniste. Nato smo se lotili skiciranja pisav na milimetrski papir in delo nadaljevali v programu FontLab, kjer smo oblikovali osnove pisav. Sledila je dodelava oziroma nadgradnja pisav v programu Adobe Illustrator, umestitev pisav na ilustrirane posterje in na koncu še izdelava ankete na podlagi oblikovanih pisav za filmske junake. Anketo smo oblikovali na spletu v Google Forms. V rezultatih in razpravi diplomskega dela smo predstavili odgovore anketirancev in slednje podrobno analizirali ter na koncu ovrgli oziroma potrdili tri zastavljene hipoteze.

Keywords:barve, film, filmski junaki, pisava, poster
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161164 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Designing and analysing typefaces with film character traits
Writing is vital for the transmission of thoughts, ideas and information between individuals and for the preservation of history and tradition. Typeface and film characters play a vital role in shaping the visual world and portraying emotions and motivation. The main purpose of the thesis was to design six fonts that resemble characters from selected films and place them on posters. In the theoretical part, we explored the field of typography, i.e. parts of letters, font variations and letter styles, art theories, colors, color contrasts and their meanings, and finally a little something about posters, design elements and design principles. In the experimental part, we described the materials and methods of work, where we first made a detailed analysis of individual characters from selected films. There were six and were divided into three protagonists and antagonists. Then we started sketching typefaces on graph paper and continued the work in the FontLab program, where we designed the basics of the typeface. This was followed by finishing or upgrading typefaces in Adobe Illustrator, placing typefaces on illustrated posters, and finally creating a survey based on the designed typefaces for movie heroes. We designed the survey online in Google Forms. In the results and discussion of the thesis, we presented the responses of the respondents and analyzed them in detail, and finally refuted or confirmed the three hypotheses.

Keywords:colors, film, film characters, typeface, poster

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