
Na razumevanju travme utemeljen pristop pomoči v kriznem centru za mlade
ID Biderman, Anja (Author), ID Šugman Bohinc, Lea (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V uvodu svojega diplomskega dela se osredotočam na primerjavo različnih definicij travme, kot so predstavljene v izbrani literaturi slovenskih in tujih avtorjev. Opozorim na odprtost avtorjev pri definiranju pojma travma. Kljub razlikam večina avtorjev opredeljuje travmatični dogodek kot izjemno ogrožajoč dogodek, ki sproži močan občutek strahu, ki ga posameznik težko obvladuje. Nadalje raziskujem koncept razvojne kompleksne travme, ki zajema težke izkušnje iz otroštva, ter se posvetim tudi telesnim odzivom na travmatične dogodke, ki lahko vplivajo na oblikovanje spominov. Obravnavam sekundarni prenos travme in sočutno izčrpanost, ki sta pogosta pojma v pomagajočih poklicih. V nadaljevanju se osredotočim na pristop, ki temelji na razumevanju travme, pri čemer ga opredelim in razložim njegova osnovna načela. Nazadnje preučujem, kako lahko organizacije na področju pomoči uresničujejo pristop, ki temelji na razumevanju travme. Poudarim ključni pomen integracije razumevanja travme v obstoječe načine dela zaposlenih. Drugi del diplomskega dela se osredotoča na praktični vidik obravnave travme v kontekstu delovanja kriznih centrov. Predstavim kvalitativno raziskavo, v kateri me je zanimalo, na katera socialnodelovna znanja se zaposleni opirajo, kako hitro ter učinkovito prepoznavajo travmo in katera znanja o travmi bi še potrebovali. Zanima me tudi, kako dobro, če sploh, poznajo pristop, ki temelji na razumevanju travme, kako ga v svoji praksi udejanjajo in kje vidijo prednosti in slabosti omenjenega pristopa. Posvetim se tudi vplivu delovnega okolja na zaposlene, in sicer z vidika sočutne izčrpanosti in sekundarne travme. Na koncu proučim, kako zaposleni skrbijo za svoje dobro počutje in kakšne oblike podpore jim nudi organizacija, v kateri delujejo.

Keywords:krizni centri za mlade, travmatična izkušnja, razvojna kompleksna travma, retravmatizacija, na razumevanju travme utemeljen pristop, sekundarna travma, sočutna izčrpanost
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161163 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Trauma-informed care in youth crisis center
In the first part of my thesis, I focus on comparing various definitions of trauma as presented in the literature by some chosen Slovenian and foreign authors. I highlight the freedom that authors allow themselves in defining the concept of trauma. Despite their differences, most authors define a traumatic event as an extremely threatening occurrence that elicits a strong sense of fear which individuals find difficult to manage. Furthermore, I explore the concept of complex developmental trauma, encompassing challenging childhood experiences, and also address physical responses to traumatic events that may influence memory formation. Additionally, I discuss secondary trauma and compassion fatigue, common concepts among helping professions. Moving forward, I delve into the trauma-informed care, defining and explaining its fundamental principles. Lastly, I examine how organizations in the field of help can implement the trauma-informed care, emphasizing the crucial meaning of integration of trauma understanding into employees' work practices. The second part of the thesis focuses on the practical aspect of addressing trauma within the context of crisis centers. I present a qualitative research study in which I explore the social work knowledge employees rely on, how quickly and effectively they recognize trauma, and what additional knowledge about trauma they may need. I also explore their familiarity with trauma-informed care, how they implement them in their practice, and their perceptions of the strengths and weaknesses of such approaches. I focus on the impact of the work environment on employees, particularly in terms of compassion fatigue and secondary trauma. Finally, I study how employees take care of their well-being and what forms of support the organization they work for provides.

Keywords:youth crisis centers, traumatic experience, complex developmental trauma, re-traumatization, trauma-informed care, secondary trauma, compassion fatigue

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