
Vpliv oblike odsesovalne nape na lastnosti zračnega toka na vstopu
ID Šumah, Andraž (Author), ID Novak, Lovrenc (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Pri načrtovanju sistema lokalne ventilacije se optimizaciji odsesovalne nape pogosto nameni premalo pozornosti. Razlog za to je predvsem neraziskanost in pomanjkanje znanja na tem področju. Toda z razvojem primerne nape za dano aplikacijo bi lahko precej izboljšali učinkovitost zračnega odvajanja oziroma energetsko učinkovitost celotnega sistema. V podjetju smo ob teh ugotovitvah zasnovali eksperiment s ciljem, da bi pridobili novo znanje o vplivu oblike nape na zračni tok. Za potrebe izvedbe eksperimenta smo konstruirali in izdelali štiri različne nape ter jih umestili na testno progo v merilnem laboratoriju podjetja. Z anemometrom na vroči film smo nato izvedli točkovne meritve hitrosti zraka pod napami na simetrični ravnini prečnega preseka nape. Izmerjene vrednosti smo nato analizirali in jih predstavili v obliki primerni za določitev karakteristike zračnega toka. Vzorce nap smo nato medsebojno primerjali in diskutirali o razlikah, nato pa na podlagi pridobljenega znanja oblikovali priporočila za prihodnje projekte.

Keywords:odsesovalna napa, zračni tok, lastnosti odsesavanja, eksperimentalna analiza, hitrostno polje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161148 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:The impact of hood design on airflow characteristics at the inlet
When designing a local ventilation system, insufficient attention is often paid to the process of the extraction hood optimization. The main reason for this is the lack of research and knowledge in this field. However, by developing a suitable hood for a given application, the capture efficiency and/or the overall energy efficiency of the system could be significantly improved. Considering these findings, we conducted an experiment with the aim of gaining new knowledge about the impact of hood shape on airflow. To conduct the experiment, we first designed and manufactured four different hoods, then installed them on the test track in the company's measurement laboratory. Using a hot film anemometer, we then executed point measurements of air velocity under the hoods on a symmetrical plane of the cross-section of the hood.The measured values were then analysed and presented in a form suitable for identification of the airflow characteristics. Patterns were then mutually compared and the variations were discussed, afterwards we formulated recommendations for future projects in regard to the acquired knowledge.

Keywords:hood, airflow, capture characteristics, experimental analysis, velocity field

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