
Vpliv koncentracije bakrenih delcev na mehanske lastnosti polimernih kompozitov
ID Perc, Luka (Author), ID Slemenik Perše, Lidija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Na področju polimernih kompozitov se z razvojem novih materialov, med drugim tudi kompozitov z visoko koncentracijo trdnih delcev, pojavljajo vprašanja, kako vrsta, vsebnost in velikosti polnila v polimernem kompozitu pripomorejo k izboljšanju materialnih lastnosti teh materialov. V okviru tega diplomskega dela bomo proučili mehanske lastnosti kompozita, narejenega iz polimerne matrike LDPE (polietilen z nizko gostoto) in dodanih bakrenih delcev v obliki lusk z velikostjo d50 = 35µm. Zanimajo nas razlike v mehanskih lastnostih polimernega kompozita, če spreminjamo delež polnila, v našem primeru bakrenih delcev, od 0 % do 40 % volumskega deleža. Z reometrom bomo opravili tri-točkovni upogibni test ali »TPB« test pri konstantni temperaturi. S pomočjo teh rezultatov bomo bolje razumeli vedenje materiala pod obremenitvijo in izvedeli, če se mehanske lastnosti izboljšajo, koliko se izboljšajo v primerjavi z osnovnim polimernim materialom in kaj to pomeni za možno uporabo takšnega materiala.

Keywords:polimerni kompoziti, relaksacija, mehanske lastnosti
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161146 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.09.2024
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Title:Effect of copper particle concentration on the mechanical properties of polymer composites
In the field of polymer composites, the development of new materials, including composites with a high concentration of solid particles, raises questions about how the type, content and size of the filler in a polymer composite helps to improve the material properties of these materials. In this thesis, the mechanical properties of a composite prepared by using a LDPE (low density polyethylene) polymer matrix and copper particles, in the form of flakes and size of d50 = 35µm, will be investigated. We are interested in the variation of the mechanical properties by varying the filler fraction, copper particles, from 0% to 40% by volume. A 3-point bending test or "TPB" test, will be performed at constant temperature, by using a modular rheometer. The results obtained will give us a better understanding of the behaviour of the material under load and will tell us if the mechanical properties improve, how much they improve compared to the base polymer material and what this means for the possible application of such a material.

Keywords:polymer composites, stress relaxation, mechanical properties

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