
Agilna proizvodnja
ID Herman, Gašper (Author), ID Berlec, Tomaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V današnjem svetu so spremembe postale stalnica, zato moramo biti na njih dobro pripravljeni. V zadnjih desetletjih se je v proizvodnji pojavil pojem agilnost. Potrebe trga narekuje potrošnik, ki ima svoje želje in potrebe, le-te pa želi čim hitreje in čim bolje zadovoljiti. Zaradi potreb potrošnika je za podjetja postalo važno, da se hitro odzivajo na spremembe in da so prilagodljiva. Agilnost je sposobnost podjetja, da se proaktivno pripravi na negotovosti, da hitro reagira na spremembe ter optimizira gospodarski položaj družbe z vplivanjem na vrednostno verigo. Podjetje, ki se bo v prihodnosti hitro in učinkovito odzivalo na spremembe, bo imelo ključno prednost pred svojimi konkurenti. Vsako podjetje, ki načrtuje proizvodno strategijo, ne sme zanemariti vpliva sprememb. Vpeljava agilnosti v proizvodnjo je zahteven, drag in dolgotrajen proces. Potrebno je oblikovati majhne, multidisciplinarne ekipe, ki so odgovorne za določene dele proizvodnega procesa, pri tem pa je ključnega pomena komunikacija med skupinami.

Keywords:agilnost, spremembe, prilagodljivost, kakovost, uvedba agilnosti, potrebe trga
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161143 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.09.2024
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Title:Agile manufacturing
In today’s world, change is a constant and we need to be well prepared for it. In recent decades, the concept of agility has emerged in manufacturing. Market needs are dictated by the consumer, who has his own wishes and needs, and wants them to be met as quickly and as well as possible. The needs of the consumer have made it important for companies to respond quickly to change and to be flexible. Agility is the ability of a company to proactively prepare for uncertainties, to react quickly to change, and to optimise the company’s economic position by influencing the value chain. A company that has this ability, and knows how to properly utilize it, will have a key advantage over its competitors in the future. It is important to note that any company planning its production strategy must not neglect the impact of change. Implementing agility in manufacturing is a complex, costly and time-consuming process. Small, multidisciplinary teams need to be formed, responsible for specific parts of the production process, and communication between teams is key.

Keywords:agility, changes, flexibility, quality, implementation of agility, market needs

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