
Primerjava različnih vrst vpenjalnih hidravličnih valjev
ID Stržinar, Žiga (Author), ID Majdič, Franc (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V industriji poznamo različne procese obdelave polizdelkov na končno oz. željeno obliko. Ko imamo opravka z odrezovanjem pri veliko-serijski proizvodnji, želimo doseči dobro in ponovljivo natančnost. S pomočjo različnih vpenjalnih elementov zagotovimo togo postavitev obdelovanca v točno določeno lego na stroju kljub različnimi vplivi zunanjih sil ali zahtevnejših pogojih dela. Teoretična izhodišča hidravličnih in pnevmatičnih vpetij obravnavajo možnost nadomestitve obstoječih hidravličnih vpetij v podjetju s pnevmatičnimi. Predstavili smo ključne lastnosti ter delovanje posamezne vrste vpenjalnih hidravličnih valjev. Za vsako vrsto vpenjalnega hidravličnega valja je bila preračunana sila vpetja z grafičnim prikazom, hkrati pa je bila izvedena tudi medsebojna primerjava različnih vrst, uporabljenih znotraj podjetja. Zadnja ugotovitev diplomskega dela vključuje ustrezne geometrije najbolj pogosto uporabljene vpenjalne spone. Pri tem so bile zajete ključne veličine, katere neposredno vplivajo na obliko vpenjalne spone in končno togost vpetja.

Keywords:vpenjalna priprava, obdelovanec, hidravlični sistem, vpenjalni hidravlični valj, vpenjalna sila, vpenjalna spona
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161141 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Comparison between different types of clamping hydraulic cylinders
In the industry, there are various processes used to transform semi-finished products into their final or desired shape. When dealing with cutting in high-volume production, we want to achieve good and repeatable accuracy. Utilizing various clamping elements, we ensure the rigid placement of the workpiece in a specific position on the machine despite the various influences of external forces or more demanding work conditions. The thesis aimed to cover the theoretical foundations of hydraulic and pneumatic clamps to address the possibility of replacing current hydraulic clamps in the company with pneumatic ones. We presented the key features and the operation of each individual type of clamping hydraulic cylinder. As the aim of the thesis, the clamping force was calculated for each type and presented with a graphical display. At the same time, a mutual comparison of the different types of clamping hydraulic cylinders used within the company was also carried out. The bachelor’s thesis concludes with an analysis of the standard geometry and critical dimensions impacting the shape and stiffness of clamping clamp.

Keywords:clamping device, workpiece, hydraulic system, clamping hydraulic cylinder, clamping force, clamping clamp

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