
Film kot učilo pri obravnavi Alpskih pokrajin v gimnazijah
ID Logar, Matej (Author), ID Ilc Klun, Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Repe, Božo (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Mikša, Peter (Comentor)

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Magistrsko delo raziskuje vlogo filma pri obravnavi Alpskih pokrajin pri pouku geografije in zgodovine v gimnazijah. Film kot učilo ima pri pouku vedno večjo vlogo, filmov, ki bi bili didaktično prilagojeni za uporabo v šoli in ki bi se nanašali na slovensko ozemlje, pa je na trgu zelo malo ali jih celo ni. Z anketo smo raziskali, v katere namene učitelji v srednjih šolah uporabljajo filme, kako pogosto jih uporabljajo in ali imajo za poučevanje geografije oz. zgodovine na voljo dovolj didaktično prilagojenih kratkih filmov. Rezultati so pokazali, da učitelji takšnega gradiva nimajo na voljo v zadovoljivi meri in bi si ga želeli imeti več. Zato smo ustvarili tri kratke filme, dva geografska, ki prikazujeta osnovni pregled naravno geografskih in družbeno geografskih tematik, ki so skladne z učnim načrtom, in zgodovinski film, ki prikazuje raziskovanje in odkrivanje Alpskih pokrajin ter vpliv Alpskih pokrajin na slovensko narodno identiteto.

Keywords:geografija, zgodovina, učila, film, Alpske pokrajine, narodna identiteta, pouk
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161126 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Film as a teaching tool about for Alpine landscapes in high schools
This master's thesis examines the role of film in the teaching of Alpine landscapes in geography and history at secondary school level. Films as a teaching tool play an increasingly important role in the classroom, but there are few or no films on the market that are didactically adapted for use in schools and that relate to the Slovenian territory. Our survey investigated for what purposes secondary school teachers use films, how often they use them and whether they have enough didactically adapted short films available for teaching geography or history. The results showed that teachers do not have enough such material and would like to have more. We therefore produced three short films, two geographical films that give a basic overview of physical and human geography topics in accordance with the curriculum, and one historical film that shows the exploration and discovery of the Alpine landscapes and the influence of the Alpine landscapes on the Slovenian national identity.

Keywords:geography, history, teaching tools, Alpine landscapes, national identity, lessons

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