
Doživljanje raka dojke ženske s strani njihovega partnerja : kvalitativna raziskava
ID Prosenc, Tinkara (Author), ID Žvelc, Gregor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V okviru magistrske naloge smo preučevali izkušnje partnerjev žensk, ki so se v preteklosti soočile z rakom dojk. Namen naloge je bil raziskovanje, kako partnerji žensk z rakom dojk doživljajo tovrstno bolezen in boljše razumevanje vpliva bolezni na partnerje. Cilj je bil pridobiti globlji vpogled v doživljanje partnerjev v vseh obdobjih soočanja z boleznijo in razumeti vpliv raka dojk na njihovo duševno zdravje. V raziskavi je sodelovalo šest udeležencev moškega spola, starih med 43 in 72 let. Z vsemi smo opravili pol-strukturirane intervjuje in jih analizirali po metodi interpretativne fenomenološke analize. Udeleženci so poročali o močni čustveni stiski, nezadovoljenih potrebah in množici skrbi, ki so jih izkusili vse od postavljenega suma na bolezen do obdobja preživetja. Svojim soprogam so bili neprestano na voljo in ob tem zatirali svoje potrebe, doživljanja in stiske. Partnerji so se s svojimi težavami spoprijeli sami, bodisi z aktivnim soočanjem ali izogibanjem. Partnerji so bili tudi deležni socialne podpore in pomoči, največkrat s strani bolnice, bližnje družine in prijateljev. Med raziskavo smo tudi pridobili vpogled v njihovo doživljanje in podporo bolnicam. Partnerji so izkazali visoko pripravljenost za spoprijemanje z boleznijo in prepoznali so stisko bolnic med zdravljenjem, zlasti ob delni ali celotni izgubi dojke. Svojim soprogam so v največji meri nudili različne oblike čustvene in instrumentalne podpore. V obdobju preživetja bolezni raka dojk so partnerji na različnih področjih izkusili posttravmatsko rast, tako na osebnem področju kot znotraj partnerskega odnosa. Izkušnja raka dojk je korenito spremenila njihovo življenje in pogled na svet. Raziskava je izpostavila močne čustvene stiske partnerjev žensk z rakom dojk in njihovo potrebo po večji podpori ter usmeritvah, da bi lahko učinkovito pomagali svojim ljubljenim osebam v kriznih situacijah in hkrati poskrbeli za svoje duševno zdravje.

Keywords:rak dojke, partnerji, doživljanje izkušnje, čustvene stiske, pol-strukturiran intervju, interpretativna fenomenološka analiza
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[T. Prosenc]
Number of pages:79 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161123 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:211737347 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Partner's experience of women's breast cancer : a qualitative study
The thesis explored the experiences of partners of women with a history of breast cancer. The aim of the thesis was to explore how partners of women with breast cancer experience the disease and to better understand the impact of the disease on partners. The aim was to gain a deeper insight into the experience of partners at all stages of coping with the disease and to understand the impact of breast cancer on their mental health. Six male participants, aged between 43 and 72 years, took part in the study. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with all of them and analysed using an interpretative phenomenological analysis method. Participants reported intense emotional distress, unmet needs and a multitude of worries experienced from the time of suspicion of illness to the survivorship period. They were constantly available to their spouses, while suppressing their own needs, experiences and distress. The partners dealt with their problems themselves, either by active confrontation or by avoidance. Partners also received social support and help, most often from the patient, close family and friends. During the research we also gained insight into their experiences and support for the patients. The partners showed a high willingness to cope with the disease and recognised the distress of the patients during treatment, especially in the case of partial or total breast loss. They provided their spouses with various forms of emotional and instrumental support. During the breast cancer survivorship period, the partners experienced post-traumatic growth in different areas, both personally and within the partner relationship. The experience of breast cancer has radically changed their lives and their world view. The research has highlighted the strong emotional distress of partners of women with breast cancer and their need for more support and guidance to effectively help their loved ones in crisis situations and at the same time take care of their own mental health.

Keywords:breast cancer, partners, lived experience, emotional distress, semi-structured interview, interpretative phenomenological analysis

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