
Organizacija mentalnega leksikona L1 in L2 s primeri prostih asociacij
ID Perme, Kaja (Author), ID Jurko, Primož (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo obravnava organizacijo mentalnega leksikona maternega jezika (L1) in prvega tujega jezika (L2). Iz predhodnih raziskav vemo, da se besede v mislih ne shranjujejo naključno, temveč so organizirane sistematično. Ne le, da so besede v mentalnem leksikonu organizirane, shranjene so na zelo učinkovit način, saj do njih lahko dostopamo izjemno hitro. Večina raziskovalcev se strinja, da v možganih obstajajo nekakšne povezave med leksikalnimi enotami, že vrsto let pa poskušajo ugotoviti, kakšne natančno so te povezave, kako nastanejo in kaj nam lahko povejo o organizaciji besed v možganih. Čeprav imajo testi asociacij velik potencial, da razkrijejo mentalne procese, so rezultati predhodnih študij na tem področju precej neenotni. Zdi se, da razlog za to izvira iz dejstva, da se premalo pozornosti posveča izbiri besed, ki so uporabljene kot iztočnice. V tej nalogi so iztočnice izbrane v skladu z merili, ki so bila oblikovana z namenom zagotavljanja ustreznosti in zanesljivosti uporabljenih iztočnic. Empirični del se osredotoča na primerjavo leksikona L1 in L2 s pomočjo testa prostih asociacij. Materni govorci slovenščine, katerih prvi tuji jezik je angleščina, so odgovarjali na iztočnice v obeh jezikih. Odgovori so bili uvrščeni v kategorizacijski sistem, ki ga je razvila Tess Fitzpatrick. Na podlagi rezultatov so podane ugotovitve in domneve o razlikah med mentalnima leksikonoma L1 in L2. Narejena je bila primerjava asociacij v angleščini med manj (prvi letnik dodiplomskega študija) in bolj napredno skupino udeležencev (drugi letnik podiplomskega študija), zanimalo pa nas je tudi, kako bodo na izbiro asociacij vplivale semantične spremenljivke konkretnosti, poznanosti in predstavljivosti posameznih besed. Analiza je pokazala, da sta mentalni leksikon L1 in L2 po strukturi zelo podobna, med bolj in manj napredno skupino pa analiza ni pokazala posebnih razlik. Analiza vpliva semantičnih spremenljivk je pokazala, da so imele te največ vpliva na kategorijo »ostalih« asociacij, kjer se je pogostost odgovorov v tej kategoriji povečala za nizko konkretne, poznane in predstavljive iztočnice. Magistrsko delo postavlja temelje za nadaljnje raziskovanje mentalnega leksikona v slovenščini in angleščini kot tujem jeziku in predlaga možnosti za nadaljnje raziskovanje.

Keywords:mentalni leksikon, materni jezik, tuji jezik, besedne asociacije, semantične spremenljivke
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161120 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:206734851 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Organization of the L1 and L2 Mental Lexicon with Evidence from Free Associations
This master's thesis addresses the organization of the mental lexicon of the native language (L1) and the first foreign language (L2). Previous research has shown that words are not stored randomly in the mind but are organized systematically. Not only are they organized, they are also stored in a highly efficient manner, allowing for quick access. Most researchers agree that there are certain connections between lexical units in the brain. For many years, these connections have been investigated, in particular how they develop and what insights they can provide about the organization of words in the brain. Although association tests have great potential to reveal mental processes, the results of previous studies in this area are quite inconsistent. It seems that one of the main reasons for the lack of consistency is that too little attention has been given to the selection of words used as stimuli. In this thesis, the stimuli are selected according to criteria designed to ensure the relevance and reliability of the stimuli used. The empirical part of this thesis focuses on comparing the L1 and L2 lexicon with evidence from free association test. Native Slovenian speakers, whose first foreign language is English, responded to stimuli. The answers were categorized within a system, developed by Tess Fitzpatrick. Based on the results, findings and assumptions regarding the differences between the L1 and L2 mental lexicons are presented. A comparison of associations in English between a less advanced (BA 1st year students) and more advanced (MA 2nd year students) group was conducted. The aim was also to examine how the semantic variables concreteness, familiarity, and imageability of individual words would affect the choice of associations. The analysis showed that the L1 and L2 mental lexicons are structurally very similar. No significant differences were found between the more and less advanced groups. The analysis of the impact of semantic variables showed that these had the most influence on the category of "other" associations, where the frequency of responses in this category increased for low-concreteness, familiarity, and imageability stimuli. The study establishes a basis for further exploration of the mental lexicon in Slovenian and English as a foreign language and suggests possibilities for further research.

Keywords:mental lexicon, native language, foreign language, word associations, semantic variables

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