
Slovenska diaspora v izbranih državah Bližnjega vzhoda
ID Jecl, Lovro (Author), ID Ilc Klun, Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen magistrskega dela je proučiti slovensko diasporo v izbranih državah Bližnjega vzhoda (Združeni arabski emirati, Egipt in Katar) ter tako zapolniti vrzel v poznavanju slovenske diaspore na tem območju. Do sedaj smo bolje poznali le slovensko, pretežno žensko migracijo v Egipt na začetku 20. stoletja (aleksandrinke), o diaspori v ZAE in Egiptu pa smo imeli le osnovne podatke. Ugotovili smo, da v ZAE, Egiptu in Katarju obstaja slovenska diaspora, ki ima v vsaki državi svoje značilnosti. Diaspore so si v nekaterih vidikih podobne, v drugih pa različne. Največ Slovencev živi v ZAE ter Egiptu, manj v Katarju. V ZAE in Katarju prevladuje diaspora, priseljena v zadnjih 15 do 20 letih, ki se je oblikovala zaradi hitrega gospodarskega vzpona držav in kariernih priložnosti, ki jih s tem ponujata. V Egiptu pa gre za kombinacijo mlajše diaspore ter starejših potomcev aleksandrink. Ugotovili smo, da so zlasti Slovenci v Egiptu in ZAE povezani tudi v društva in ostajajo v stiku s Slovenijo, slovenskim jezikom in kulturo.

Keywords:diaspora, Slovenci, Bližnji vzhod, Združeni arabski emirati, Egipt, Katar
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161111 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Slovenian diaspora in the chosen countries of the Middle East
The aim of this master's thesis is to study the Slovenian diaspora in the selected countries of the Middle East (United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Qatar) and to fill the gap in understanding the Slovenian diaspora in this region. Until now, we only had a good understanding of the Slovenian, mostly female, emigration to Egypt at the beginning of the 20th century, known as Aleksandrinke. We had only basic information about the diaspora in the UAE and Egypt. We found out that there are indeed Slovenian diasporas in the selected countries, each with its own characteristics. These diasporas are similar in some aspects and different in others. Most Slovenians live in the UAE and Egypt, fewer in Qatar. In the UAE and Qatar, diasporas formed mostly in the last 15 to 20 years, following the rapid economic rise of these countries and subsequent career opportunities. In Egypt, there is a mix of a younger diaspora and older descendants of Aleksandrinke. We have found out that Slovenians in Egypt and the UAE are also connected in associations and regularly remain in contact with Slovenia, the Slovenian language and culture.

Keywords:diaspora, Slovenians, Middle East, United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Qatar

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