
Funkcionalno slikanje hrbtenice - sistematičen pregled literature : diplomsko delo
ID Kuhar, Nika (Author), ID Vidic, Karolina (Author), ID Medič, Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Žager Marciuš, Valerija (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Hrbtenico običajno slikamo v ležečem položaju, kjer z osnovnimi projekcijami prikažemo predvsem anatomijo posameznih segmentov hrbtenice. Za prikaz statike in gibljivosti hrbtenice uporabimo preiskavo imenovano funkcionalno slikanje hrbtenice. Namen: S pomočjo sistematičnega pregleda literature s področja funkcionalnega slikanja hrbtenice definirati uporabnost tovrstne preiskave in jo primerjati z ostalimi obstoječimi slikovnimi metodami. Metode dela: S pomočjo člankov, ki povzemajo tematiko diplomskega dela smo izvedi sistematičen pregled literature in pri tem uporabili deskriptivno metodo. Rezultati: Diagnostiko poškodb vratne in ledvene hrbtenice lahko opravljamo s statičnimi rentgenskimi posnetki, funkcionalnim slikanjem, računalniško tomografijo, magnetno resonanco ali dinamično magnetno resonanco. Za posamezno slikovno metodo se odločimo glede na njeno razpoložljivost in nujnost ter vrsto poškodbe. V študijah funkcionalnega slikanja vratne hrbtenice zasledimo, da je verjetnost nenormalnih rentgenskih posnetkov fleksije in ekstenzije majhna v primeru normalnih statičnih posnetkov. Navajajo tudi morebitno sporno izvajanje funkcionalnega slikanja vratu v akutnem stanju po poškodbi. V študijah iz področja ledvene hrbtenice poudarjajo prednosti in slabosti posameznih diagnostičnih metod za diagnosticiranje degenerativne spondilolisteze. Nekatere študije postavljajo funkcionalno slikanje, ki je dolgo časa veljalo za zlati standard pod vprašaj. Ugotovimo, da ima funkcionalno slikanje le majhno diagnostično vrednost v primerjavi z računalniško tomografijo in magnetno resonanco in da je izvedba tovrstnega slikanja močno povezana s časom izvedbe. Razprava in zaključek: Funkcionalno slikanje temelji na obremenitvi posameznega dela hrbtenice z gibanjem. V oceno vključimo tako slikanje kostnih kot vezivnih struktur hrbtenice. Večinsko se kot indikacija za to vrsto slikanja v vratnem predelu obravnava nestabilnost hrbtenice, v ledvenem pa zdrs kranialnega vretenca glede na kavdalno (spondilolisteza). Ugotovitve raziskav potrjujejo vprašljiv doprinos funkcionalnega slikanja diagnoze zaradi mišičnih krčev takoj po poškodbi in nizke specifičnosti ter ustreznosti rentgenskih posnetkov v fleksiji in ekstenziji. Zaradi vseh pomanjkljivosti se v večini primerov uporablja v kombinaciji z magnetno resonanco in računalniško tomografijo. Zasledili pa smo tudi novo tehniko imenovano dinamična magnetna resonanca, ki ponuja boljšo vizualizacijo gibanja vratne hrbtenice in vpogled v dinamične spremembe hrbtenjače in živčnih struktur.

Keywords:diplomska dela, radiološka tehnologija, hrbtenica, funkcionalno slikanje vratne in ledvene hrbtenice, fleksija, ekstenzija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[N. Kuhar : K. Vidic]
Number of pages:43 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161104-5ddcce7b-2a42-0a3c-f112-a4d274bd974a This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:206828291 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Functional imaging of the spine - literature review : diploma work
Introduction: The spine is usually imaged in the supine position, with basic projections showing mainly the anatomy of the individual spinal segments. However, to show the statics and mobility of the spine, we use an investigation called functional spinal imaging. Purpose: To define the usefulness of functional spinal imaging and compare it with other existing imaging methods through a systematic review of the literature on functional spinal imaging. Methods: A systematic literature review was carried out using articles that summarise the thesis topic, using a descriptive method. Results: Cervical and lumbar spine injuries can be diagnosed using static X-rays, functional imaging, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging or dynamic magnetic resonance imaging. The choice of imaging modality is based on its availability and urgency, and the type of injury. In functional imaging studies of the cervical spine, the likelihood of abnormal radiographs of flexion and extension is low in the case of normal static radiographs. They also mention the potential controversy of performing functional imaging of the neck in the acute state after trauma. Studies in the field of lumbar spine emphasize the advantages and disadvantages of individual diagnostic methods for diagnosing degenerative spondylolisthesis. Some studies question functional imaging, which has long been considered the gold standard. We conclude that functional imaging is of little diagnostic value compared to computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging and that the performance of this type of imaging is strongly correlated with the time of performance. Discussion and conclusion: Functional imaging of the spine is based on the motion load on each part of the spine. The assessment includes an imaging of both the bone and connective structures of the spine. Most of the indications for this type of imaging are spinal instability in the cervical region and the slippage of a cranial vertebra relative to a caudal vertebra (spondylolisthesis) in the lumbar region. Research findings confirm the questionable contribution of functional imaging to the diagnosis due to muscle spasm immediately after injury and the low specificity and adequacy of flexion-extension radiographs. Due to all the shortcomings, in most cases it is used in combination with MRI and CT. However, a new technique called dynamic MRI has also been developed, which offers better visualisation of cervical spine motion and insight into dynamic changes in the spinal cord and neural structures.

Keywords:diploma theses, radiologic technology, spine, functional imaging of the cervical and lumbar spine, flexion, extension

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