
Radiološke preiskave nosečnic in primeri nujnih stanj : diplomsko delo
ID Jeraj, Alja (Author), ID Jereb, Karin (Author), ID Škrk, Damijan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Mekiš, Nejc (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Diagnoza in zagotavljanje ustrezne zdravstvene oskrbe nosečnicam je pomembno za njihovo zdravje in zdravje ploda. V primeru, da je pacientka noseča se radiološki inženirji posvetujejo z radiologom o nadaljevanju preiskave. Lahko nadaljujejo s preiskavo, vendar prilagodijo dozo za pacientko in plod. V drugem primeru se lahko odločijo za preiskavo, ki ne vključuje ionizirajočega sevanja. Deterministični učinki se pojavijo, ko presežemo določen prag in lahko povzročijo zastoj plodove rasti, splav. Stohastični učinki nimajo praga, vendar se verjetnost zanje povečuje z večanjem izpostavljenosti. Precej pomembna posledica so otroški raki. Namen: Namen diplomske naloge je s sistematičnim pregledom literature preučiti vpliv uporabe radioloških preiskav med nosečnostjo za diagnosticiranje nujnih stanj in ugotoviti, ali koristi, ki izhajajo iz pravilne diagnoze in zdravljenja, prevladujejo nad potencialno škodo, ki jo lahko povzroči izpostavljenost pacientke in ploda sevanju. Metode dela: V diplomski nalogi smo uporabili deskriptivno metodo dela. Pregledovali smo ustrezno strokovno literaturo, domače in tuje literature, predvsem v angleščini. Vire smo iskali na spletu, v večini so to znanstveni in strokovni članki. Rezultati: Ugotovili smo, da pri obravnavi nosečnic kot prvo metodo izbora uporabijo ustrezne diagnostične preiskave. Kadar je magnetna resonanca kontraindicirana in v kritičnem stanju nosečnice uporabijo računalniško tomografijo. Razprava in zaključek: Z dobro sodobno opremo in optimizacijo protokolov, plod prejme majhno dozo, ki je zanemarljiva za stohastične učinke. Od vseh pregledanih člankov, ki so vsebovali poročilo primera se je izkazalo, da v praksi najbolj uporabljajo metode na osnovi neionizirajočih sevanj. kot sta to ultrazvok in magnetna resonanca, kadar koli jim te dve preiskavi zagotavljata uspešno postavitev diagnoze.

Keywords:diplomska dela, radiološka tehnologija, nosečnice, plod, ionizirajoče sevanje, tveganje, radiološke preiskave, urgentno slikanje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Jeraj : K. Jereb]
Number of pages:31 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161102-f46010aa-a168-0238-18da-721df18c7251 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:206735363 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Radiological examinations of pregnant women and necessary cases : diploma work
Introduction: Diagnosing and providing appropriate medical care to pregnant women is important for their health and the health of the fetus. If the patient is pregnant, the radiological technologists will consult with the radiologist about how to proceed with the examination. They may continue the examination but adjust the dose to the patient and the fetus. In the second case, they may decide to carry out an examination that does not involve ionising radiation. Deterministic effects occur when a certain threshold is exceeded and can cause fetal growth arrest, miscarriage. Stochastic effects have no threshold, but increase with increasing exposure. Childhood cancers are a rather important consequence. Purpose: The aim of this diploma work is to systematically review the literature to examine the impact of radiological examinations during pregnancy for diagnosing necessary cases and to determine whether the benefits of accurate diagnosis and treatment outweigh the potential harm from patient and fetal radiation exposure. Methods: In this diploma work we used the descriptive method. We reviewed relevant literature, both domestic and foreign, mainly in English. We searched for sources on the Internet, mostly scientific and professional articles. Results: We found that when treating pregnant women, the first method of selection is to use appropriate diagnostic examinations. When magnetic resonance is contraindicated and the pregnant woman is in a critical condition, they use computed tomography. Discussion and conclusion: With good modern equipment and optimisation of protocols, the fetus receives a low dose that is negligible for stochastic effects. Of all the articles reviewed that included a case report, it appears that non-ionising methods such as ultrasound and magnetic resonance are the most used in practice, whenever these two examinations provide a successful diagnosis.

Keywords:diploma theses, radiologic technology, pregnant women, fetus, ionizing radiation, risk, radiological examinations, emergency imaging

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