
Primerjava implementacije avtorizacije in avtentikacije med centraliziranim in decentraliziranim pristopom s strani razvijalca
ID STARMAN, MAX ADAM (Author), ID Lavbič, Dejan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V današnjem svetu postajata varnost in zaupnost podatkov vedno bolj pomembni. Ključna elementa sta avtentikacija in avtorizacija, ki zagotavljata dostop do podatkov in aplikacij le pooblaščenim osebam. Tradicionalno se izvajata prek centraliziranih sistemov, nove tehnologije in decentralizirani pristopi pa predstavljajo alternativo. Diplomsko delo primerja ta dva pristopa glede na zahtevnost razvoja, stroške, podporo, varnost, enostavnost uporabe in prilagodljivost. Implementirani sta bili dve rešitvi, in sicer s pomočjo storitev Firebase, kot predstavnika centraliziranih aplikacij (Splet 2.0), ter Juno, kot predstavnika decentraliziranih aplikacij (Splet3). Rezultati kažejo, da imajo decentralizirani pristopi in Splet3 večji potencial za varnost in odpornost proti napadom, vendar zahtevajo večje začetne vložke in kompleksnejše upravljanje. Centralizirani sistemi so enostavnejˇsi za razumevanje in imajo nižje začetne stroške, vendar so bolj ranljivi za kibernetske napade in nezanesljivi zaradi enotne točke odpovedi. Diplomsko delo ponuja celovito primerjavo obeh pristopov in pomaga razvijalcem pri izbiri sistema glede na njihove specifične potrebe, s čimer prispeva k razumevanju prednosti in slabosti vsakega pristopa.

Keywords:avtentikacija, avtorizacija, DID, SSI, IAM, FIM, Splet 2.0, Splet3, Firebase, Juno, zaledje kot storitev, veriga blokov kot storitev
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161081 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.09.2024
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Title:Comparison of authentication and authorization implementation between centralized and decentralized approaches from developers point of view
In today’s world, data security and confidentiality are becoming increasingly important. Authentication and authorisation are key elements to ensure that only authorised actors have access to data and applications. Traditionally implemented through centralised systems, new technologies and decentralised approaches provide an alternative. The thesis compares these two approaches in terms of development complexity, cost, support, security, ease of use and flexibility. Two solutions were implemented using Firebase, a representative of centralised applications (Web 2.0), and Juno, a representative of decentralised applications (Web3). The results show that decentralised approaches and Web3 have a higher potential for security and resilience to attacks, but require a higher initial investment and a more complex management. Centralised systems are easier to understand and have lower initial costs, but are more vulnerable to cyber-attacks and unreliable due to a single point of failure. This work provides a comprehensive comparison of the two approaches and helps developers to choose a system according to their specific needs, thus contributing to the understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of each approach.

Keywords:authentication, authorization, DID, SSI, IAM, FIM, Web 2.0, Web3, Firebase, Juno, backend as a service, blockchain as a service

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