
Zgradba in rast sestojev rdečega bora v Zgornjesavski dolini : diplomsko delo (Univerzitetni študij - 1. stopnja)
ID Willewaldt, Matic (Author), ID Kadunc, Aleš (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 84F17CABD6E53F1BD73B49EA73072225
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/da102ccf-c55c-4c99-abf4-caf398f4ab20

V delu se je preučilo zgradbo in rast sestojev rdečega bora na pretežno prisojnih legah na vznožju Zahodnih Karavank. Raziskava je bila opravljena v Zgornjesavski dolini. V homogenih borovih sestojih se je zakoličilo deset ploskev na nadmorski višini 700ŽŽ - 1300 m, velikosti štirih arov. Na ploskvah se je izvedlo analizo zgradbe sestojev. Preučilo se je drevesno sestavo, socialno zgradbo, debelinsko in kakovostno strukturo drevja. Na vsaki ploskvi se je za rastne analize izbralo štiri dominantna in tri podstojna drevesa. Na petih ploskvah se je vzorce pridobilo z destruktivnimi metodami in izvedlo debelno analizo, na preostalih petih pa se je drevesom izmerilo višino in s pomočjo izvrtkov določilo starost. Z analizo vzorčenih dreves se je določilo tudi starostno strukturo v sestojih. V drevesni sestavi prevladuje rdeči bor, ponekod se mu pridružujejo še drugi iglavci, listavci zelo redko. Na ploskvah se je ugotovilo lesno zalogo v intervalu od 157,3 m3/ha pa do 525,5 m3/ha. Upoštevajoč skrajna rastišča je sortimentna zgradba iglavcev v sestojih solidna. Višinska rast se začne umirjati po 40. letu, debelinska rast pa po 100. letu, na bolj skrajnih rastiščih še nekoliko prej. Ugotovljene vrednosti produkcijske sposobnosti rastišč se gibljejo na intervalu od 2,1 do 6,3 m3ha-1leto-1. Na rast branike najbolj vplivajo celoletne in sezonske padavine tekočega leta.

Keywords:zgradba sestoja, višinska rast, debelinska rast, produkcijska sposobnost, rdeči bor, Zgornjesavska dolina
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Willewaldt]
Number of pages:VII, 35 str.+ pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-16108 This link opens in a new window
UDC:630*2(497.4Zgornjesavska dolina)(043.2)=163.6_
COBISS.SI-ID:3476134 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.07.2014
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Secondary language

Structure and growth in Scots pine stands mainly in the sun-exposed positions located in the foot of Western Karavanke mountain range, namely in Zgornjesavska valley, are investigated in this work. In homogeneous Scots pinestands, 10 research plots with quadrature of four are and heights ranging between 700 and 1200 m ASL were marked out. In said planes, stand structure was analysed: tree composition, social, diameter and quality structure were analysed. In each plane, four dominant and three overtopped tree samples were chosen. In five planes, samples were acquired by destructive methods to perform stem analysis. In the other half, tree heights were measured and tree age was determined by examining bored wood cores. By analyzing sampled trees, stand age structure was also determined. As regards tree composition Scots pine prevails. In some planes, other conifer species occur, while deciduous trees are seldom found. In the sample planes, growing stocks were determined to be ranging between 157.3 m3/ha and 525.5 m3/ha. Considering the extreme locations of the sites, the assortment structure of the conifers in the investigated stands is solid. Height growth and diameter growth of Scots pine begin to settle after the 40th and 100th year of age, respectively. This settlement occurs sooner in the most extreme site locations. Production capabilities range between 2.1 to 6.3 m3ha-1year-1 with the bark taken into consideration. The annual ring width is chiefly influenced by the annual and season precipitation of the current year.

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