
Pametni nadzorni sistem
ID Remc, Matej (Author), ID Burnik, Urban (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomskem delu smo vzpostavili video nadzorni sistem, ki znotraj domačega omrežja z uporabo strojnega vida zaznava dogodke, pomembne za uporabnika, in o njih obvešča uporabnika. Pomembna lastnost sistema je, da so vsi podatki shranjeni in obdelani lokalno, s čimer se izognemo pošiljanju podatkov v oblak in s tem morebitni zlorabi podatkov. Najprej smo vzpostavili domači strežnik, ki poganja operacijski sistem Home Assistant. K temu operacijskemu sistemu smo dodali več razširitev, pri čemer je bila glavna razširitev Frigate NVR, ki skrbi za prepoznavanje dogodkov. Razširitev Frigate NVR smo konfigurirali glede na naše specifične zahteve, da smo dosegli optimalne rezultate. Z uporabo storitve Duck DNS smo omogočili dostop do našega strežnika tudi zunaj lokalnega omrežja, kar uporabniku omogoča stalni dostop do sistema. Za pošiljanje obvestil smo izbrali platformo Telegram, saj omogoča enostavno integracijo s Home Assistantom in je brezplačno dostopna. Rezultati naloge kažejo, da je mogoče z uporabo cenovno dostopnih komponent in odprtokodne programske opreme vzpostaviti zanesljiv in učinkovit sistem za video nadzor. Glavni zaključki nakazujejo, da je sistem primeren za domačo uporabo in omogoča enostavno razširitev ter prilagoditev glede na specifične potrebe uporabnika.

Keywords:Video nadzor, Home Assistant, Raspberry Pi, Frigate NVR, Google Coral Edge TPU, Duck DNS, Let’s Encrypt, Telegram
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161068 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:206925315 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.09.2024
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Title:Smart surveillance system
In this thesis, we established a video surveillance system that detects events important to the user within a home network using computer vision and notifies the user about them. A significant feature of the system is that all data is stored and processed locally, avoiding the need to send data to the cloud and preventing potential data misuse. First, we set up a home server running the Home Assistant operating system. To this operating system, we added several extensions, with the primary extension being Frigate NVR, which is responsible for event detection. We configured the Frigate NVR extension according to our specific requirements to achieve optimal results. Using the Duck DNS service, we enabled access to our server from outside the local network, allowing the user constant access to the system. For sending notifications, we chose the Telegram platform, as it offers easy integration with Home Assistant and is freely accessible. The results of the thesis show that it is possible to establish a reliable and efficient video surveillance system using affordable components and open-source software. The main conclusions indicate that the system is suitable for home use and allows for easy expansion and customization according to the user’s specific needs.

Keywords:Video surveillance, Home Assistant, Raspberry Pi, Frigate NVR, Google Coral Edge TPU, Duck DNS, Let’s Encrypt, Telegram

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