
Vodenje sodelujočega humanoidnega robota Talos za pomoč osebam pri vstajanju in usedanju
ID Kostanjevec, Ana Gabriela (Author), ID Mihelj, Matjaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Brecelj, Tilen (Comentor)

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Namen diplomske naloge je bil zasnovati metodo za izvedbo fizičnega sodelovanja humanoidnega robota Talos s človekom z vpeljavo senzorično-motorične teleoperacije. Končni cilj je, da robota naučimo sodelovanja s človekom pri izvedbi nove naloge, brez direktnega programiranja za to potrebnih gibov. Tega smo se lotili z usklajenim vodenjem dveh robotov, tj. humanoidnega robota Talos in robotske roke KUKA-LWR, in dvema človeškima pomočnikoma. Prva oseba je z interakcijskimi silami fizično vodila ročaj, pritrjen na vrh robotske roke KUKA-LWR, druga oseba pa je z interakcijskimi silami fizično vodila prijemala robota Talos. Robota sta bila medsebojno povezana in sta se gibala usklajeno glede na vsoto sil, apliciranih na oba robota. Osebi sta z delovanjem na ročaj oz. prijemala robotov tako vplivali na premik obeh robotov hkrati. Naloga, ki smo jo izbrali za demonstracijo našega pristopa k učenju sodelujočih robotov, je bila pomoč pri vstajanju in usedanju. Oseba, ki je držala ročaj robota KUKA-LWR, je stala in prek sklopljenega sistema robotov fizično pomagala vstati s stola in se nazaj vsesti drugi osebi, ki se je držala prijemal robota Talos. Delovanje programa, ki je vodil robota, smo najprej preizkusili v simulaciji, kasneje pa še na realnih robotih. Izvedli smo meritve s petimi osebami. Med izvajanjem naloge smo si shranjevali premike vrhov robotov ter interakcijske sile. Po končanih meritvah smo analizirali premike vrhov robotov in izdelali model, ki ga robot lahko uporabi za avtonomno izvajanje omenjene naloge.

Keywords:humanoidni robot Talos, robotska roka KUKA-LWR, ROS, Whole-Body Control, sosledje nalog, fizično sodelovanje med človekom in robotom, sodelujoči robot
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161042-feefcb2e-5a2f-16f4-c1cb-e844acc6e186 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:206808067 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Control of the collaborative humanoid robot Talos to assist people with sit-to-stand motion
The goal of this diploma thesis was to develop a method that enables physical collaboration between the humanoid robot Talos and humans through sensorimotor teleoperation. The ultimate objective was to teach the robot a collaborative task without explicitly programming the necessary movements. This was accomplished by synchronizing the movements of two robots — the humanoid robot Talos and the KUKA-LWR robotic arm — along with the assistance of two human participants. One participant physically guided the handle attached to the end-effector of the KUKA-LWR robot using interaction forces, while the other applied the same strategy to guide Talos’ grippers. The two robots were interconnected, moving synchronously in response to the combined forces applied to their respective end effectors. This setup also allows participants to move both robots simultaneously by exerting force on just one of them. To demonstrate the collaborative system between humans and robots, we selected the sit-to-stand assistance task. The participant controlling the KUKA-LWR robot's handle physically aided the person holding for Talos’ grippers by pulling the KUKA-LWR handle, facilitating the process of standing up and sitting down. We developed the control program for both robots in Matlab and conducted initial testing in a simulation environment, followed by trials on actual robots. To gather data for analysis, we performed experiments with five individuals and collected information on the movements and forces generated during the execution of the collaborative task. By analyzing the trajectories of the end effectors, we developed a model that the humanoid robot Talos could use to autonomously assist humans with standing up.

Keywords:humanoid robot Talos, robot arm KUKA-LWR, ROS, Whole-Body Control, stack of tasks, physical human-robot collaboration, collaborative robot

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