
Oblikovanje vizualne podobe in etiket za embalažo slaščičarne
ID Dujmovič, Lea (Author), ID Fijavž, Primož (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen diplomskega dela je bilo oblikovati novo vizualno podobo in etikete za embalažo slaščičarne Kraljevi mignon. V ospredje je bila postavljena posodobitev obstoječega logotipa; na podlagi te prenove so bili posodobljeni tudi ostali elementi celostne grafične podobe. Glavna cilja sta bila ustvariti vabljivo in sodobnejšo CGP, ki bi bolj ustrezala sedanjemu času in omogočila večjo prepoznavnost na trgu ter oblikovanje estetskih in funkcionalnih etiket za embalažo. Delo je vključevalo raziskavo pojma celostne grafične podobe in njenih osnovnih elementov, kot tudi opis vloge etikete in materialov, ki so najpogostejši za njeno izdelavo. Pred začetkom oblikovanja nove vizualne podobe, smo najprej opravili intervju z naročnikom in podrobneje izvedeli kako podjetje deluje, kakšna je njegova vizija in kakšni so razlogi za prenovo obstoječe podobe. Nato smo analizirali obstoječo grafično podobo, ki vsebuje logotip in nekaj tiskovin, da bi ugotovili kako izboljšati pomanjkljivosti. Prav tako smo analizirali slaščičarsko konkurenco na domačem in tujem trgu. Prenove smo se lotili s skiciranjem elementa laboda v programu Procreate in z izbiro najprimernejše pisave za logotip. Za lažjo izbiro logotipa in ilustracije laboda smo zasnovali strukturo vseh tiskovin. Ilustracijo smo skupaj z naročnikom izbrali na podlagi najboljše kompatibilnosti z logotipom in najbolj ustrezne nadaljnje uporabe na različne tiskovine. V programu Adobe Illustrator smo jo pretvorili v vektorsko grafiko, nakar smo izbrali še sekundarno pisavo in barve. Ko smo definirali vse elemente CGP, je sledilo oblikovanje etiket oziroma nalepk. Vsestransko nalepko in nalepko za sladoled smo zasnovali na novo, medtem ko smo etiketo za baklavo oblikovali po strukturi in izgledu obstoječe etikete. Nazadnje smo oblikovali še ves potreben poslovni material in dodali nekaj primerov promocijskega materiala, da bi dodatno okrepili oglaševanje podjetja. Rezultat diplomskega dela je prenovljena vizualna podoba slaščičarne in etiket za njeno embalažo, ki bosta podjetju omogočili svež in sodobnejši izgled ter pridobitev novih individualnih uporabnikov in poslovnih partnerjev.

Keywords:celostna grafična podoba, vizualna podoba, etiketa, prenova, logotip, oblikovanje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161026 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.09.2024
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Title:Designing visual identity and packaging labels for pastry shop
The purpose of the thesis was to design a new visual identity and packaging labels for the bakery Kraljevi mignon. The main focus was on updating the existing logo; based on this renovation, other elements of the corporate identity were also updated. The main objectives were to create an inviting and more modern corporate identity that better suits the current times and enhances market recognition, and to design aesthetic and functional packaging labels. The work includes research on the concept of corporate identity and its basic elements, as well as a description of the role of labels and the materials most commonly used for their production. Before designing the new visual identity, we first conducted an interview with the client, in order to gain a deeper understanding of how the company operates, its vision, and the reasons for renovating its existing identity. We then analyzed the existing corporate identity, which includes a logo and some printed material, to identify how to improve it. We also analyzed the bakery's competition in the Slovenian and international markets. The renovation began with sketching the swan element in the Procreate program and selecting the most suitable font for the logotype. For easier selection of the logotype and the swan illustration, we designed the structure of all printed materials. Together with the client, we chose the illustration based on its compatibility with the logotype and on its application to various other printed material. We converted it into vector graphics – using Adobe Illustrator. We then selected a secondary font and colors. Once all the elements of the corporate identity were determined, we proceeded to design labels. We redesigned the versatile label and the ice cream label from scratch, while designing the baklava label based on the structure and appearance of the existing label. Finally, we designed all the other corporate material and added some examples of promotional articles, to further strenghten the company advertising. The result of the thesis is a renovated visual identity for the bakery and labels for its packaging, which will give the company a fresh and more modern look and attract new individual users or business partners.

Keywords:corporate identity, visual identity, label, renovation, logotype, design

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