
Oblikovanje celostne grafične podobe plesnega kolektiva Š. I. K.
ID Zidar, Nika (Author), ID Beja, Boris (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti celotni proces oblikovanja in izdelovanja logotipa ter celostne grafične podobe plesnega kolektiva Š. I. K. Gre za mlado, ambiciozno plesno skupino, ki za potrebe javnega predstavljanja in prepoznavnosti na trgu potrebuje celostno grafično podobo. Cilji diplomskega dela so bili raziskati in opredeliti pojem celostne grafične podobe in analizirati krovne znake obstoječih konkurenčnih plesnih skupin. Na podlagi teoretičnega ozadja in pridobljenega znanja smo želeli posodobiti logo in izdelati enotno celostno grafično podobo, ki bo na trgu prepoznavna. S sprotnim preverjanjem rešitev oblikovanja z naročnikom smo želeli priti do izdelave priročnika celostne grafične podobe in izdelave predlog komunikacijskih sredstev. V eksperimentalnem delu so opisani materiali in metode, ki so uporabljeni v procesu izdelave diplomskega dela in so pripomogli k rešitvam zastavljenih ciljev. Analizirani so logoti in grafične podobe plesnih skupin v Sloveniji in v tujini. Na koncu eksperimentalnega dela sledi izdelava celostne grafične podobe, v sklopu katere so predstavljeni izbrani grafični elementi – logotip, pisava in barva. V okviru rezultatov z razpravo so opisani grafični elementi celostne grafične podobe, prikazan pa je tudi izbor komunikacijskih sredstev (vizitka, zloženka, dopisni list ...) in izbor promocijskih sredstev, oblikovanih v postopku izdelave diplomske naloge.

Keywords:celostna grafična podoba, grafično oblikovanje, komunikacijska sredstva, logotip, sodobni ples
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161024 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.09.2024
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Title:Designing visual identity for dance collective Š. I. K.
The diploma thesis aims to present the entire process of designing and creating a logotype and a visual identity for Š. I. K. dance collective. The young, ambitious dance colletive requires visual identity to promote itself to the public and to ensure its visibility on the market. The diploma thesis objectives were to explore and define the concept of visual identity and to analyze the logos of competitive dance groups and companies on the market. Moreover, based on the theoretical background and knowledge acquired, the thesis aims to redesign and upgrade existing logotype and to create a new visual identity, which is recognisable on the market. Furthermore, with ongoing validation of design solutions in collaboration with the client we wanted to produce a manual of the visual identity and create prototypes of promotional materials. The experimental part contains a description of the materials and methods used in the thesis, which contributed to achieving the set objectives. The visual identity of European and Slovenian dance companies was analysed. At the end of the experimental part, the visual identity design of Š. I. K. was created, together with a presentation of selected graphic elements – logotype, typography and colour. As part of the results and discussion, the graphic elements of the designed visual identity were described and a selection of branding materials (business cards, flyers, letterheads, etc.) produced in the diploma thesis was presented.

Keywords:visual identity, graphic design, branding materials, logotype, contemporary dance

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