
Implementacija tehnologije obogatene resničnosti na primeru interaktivne brošure s tematiko varovanja okolja
ID Silan, Neli (Author), ID Gabrijelčič Tomc, Helena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Možina, Klementina (Comentor)

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V magistrskem delu smo iskali rešitve za problem, kako lahko s pomočjo implementacije digitalnih tehnologij v izobraževalnih pripomočkih za otroke vplivamo na kakovost in učinkovitost učenja ter katere vrste interakcij so najbolj primerne za določeno starostno skupino otrok. Podrobneje smo raziskali področje obogatene resničnosti v povezavi z razvojem izobraževalnih gradiv za učence osnovne šole. Namen naše raziskave je bil izdelati in oblikovati interaktivno izobraževalno brošuro v fizični in digitalni obliki na temo okoljevarstva, podrobneje podnebnih sprememb, za osnovnošolske učence druge triade. Interaktivna brošura bo služila kot učni pripomoček, dopolnjen z vsebinami obogatene resničnosti, ki omogočajo bolj zanimivo, učinkovito in interaktivno izkušnjo učenja. V prvem delu smo raziskali uporabo informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije in tehnologije obogatene resničnosti v izobraževanju, njene prednosti in slabosti ter uporabo v okoljevarstvenem izobraževanju in vzgoji. Preučili smo tudi otrokom prilagojene oblikovalske smernice in metode, ki smo jih uporabili pri izdelavi vsebin in oblikovanju brošure. V eksperimentalnem delu smo oblikovali in izdelali tiskano in digitalno obliko brošure, izdelali smo grafične elemente, sledila je izdelava animacij in nato njihova povezava s tarčnimi slikami v brošuri v programu Unity. Končni izdelek tako predstavlja brošuro, nadgrajeno s tehnologijo obogatene resničnosti v tiskani in digitalni obliki, in aplikacijo za prikazovanje vsebin obogatene resničnosti za mobilne naprave operacijskega sistema Android. Na koncu smo izvedli še uspešno tehnično in uporabniško vrednotenje izdelka. Brošura, nadgrajena s tehnologijo obogatene resničnosti, je bila zelo dobro sprejeta, uporabniki so bili nad njo navdušeni, uporaba skupaj z aplikacijo na telefonu jim je bila zelo zanimiva.

Keywords:obogatena resničnost, interaktivnost, izobraževanje, podnebne spremembe, uporabniško vrednotenje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161022 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Implementation of augmented reality technology in environmentally themed educational brochure
In the master thesis we were looking for solutions to the current problem of how the implementation of digital technologies in educational tools for children can influence the quality and effectiveness of learning and which types of interactions are most suitable for a particular age groups of children. We have explored in more detail the field of augmented reality in relation to the development of educational materials for primary school pupils. The aim of our research was to produce and design an interactive educational brochure in physical and digital form on the topic of environmental sciences, more specifically climate change, for primary school pupils in the group of second trimester. The interactive brochure serves as a teaching tool, complemented by augmented reality content to make the learning experience more engaging, effective and interactive. In the first part, we explored the use of information and communication technology and augmented reality in education, their advantages and disadvantages, and their use in environmental education. We also looked at the child-centred design guidelines and methods and used them to create the content and design of our brochure. In the experimental part, we designed and produced the printed and digital form of the brochure, created the graphic elements, followed by the animations and then linked them to the target images from the brochure in Unity. The final product is a brochure enhanced with augmented reality technology in printed and digital form and an application for displaying augmented reality content for Android mobile devices. Finally, we carried out successful technical and user testing of the product. Our brochure enhanced with augmented reality technology was very well received, users were enthusiastic about it and found it very interesting to use together with the app on their phone.

Keywords:augmented reality, interactivity, education, climate change, user testing

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