
Razvoj torb za študente iz upcikliranih tekstilij in oblačil
ID Godina, Ana (Author), ID Podbevšek, Tanja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen diplomske naloge je bil ugotoviti, katere so pozitivne in negativne lastnosti tekstilnih torb, ki jih uporabljajo slovenski dijaki in študentje, in te informacije uporabiti pri razvoju krojev in izdelavi novih izboljšanih tovrstnih izdelkov. V teoretičnem delu smo najprej raziskali vlogo in pomen tekstilnih torb v življenju dijakov ter študentov. Ugotovili smo, da je uporaba enostavnih tekstilnih torb, ki so podobne vrečam in jih imenujemo tudi »Tote« torbe, v zadnjih letih med izbrano populacijo zelo narasla. Predstavili smo pomen izbora ciljne skupine in izvedbe tržne raziskave pri razvoju novih izdelkov in vključili “trajnost” in “upciklažo” kot pomembno odločitev pri izbiri tekstilij za njihovo izdelavo. V eksperimentalnem delu smo s pomočjo ankete o želenih lastnostih tekstilnih torb med slovenskimi dijaki in študenti izvedli tržno raziskavo. Pomembne odgovore smo vključili v razvoj krojev in izdelavo novih tekstilnih torb. Za njihovo izdelavo smo poiskali odpadne tekstilije in oblačila, predstavili izbrane materiale, narisali tehnične modne skice in razvili njihove kroje v merilu 1 : 6. Izdelali smo sedem različnih tekstilnih torb. Vsaka na svoj način zadovoljuje izražene želje ter potrebe slovenskih dijakov in študentov. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da si izbrana ciljna skupina slovenske mlade populacije želi drugačne lastnosti tekstilnih torb od tistih, ki jih trenutno najdemo na trgu. Razlike so vidne predvsem v širini in dolžini krojev torb, ki povečajo njihovo prostornino, v velikosti in postavitvi žepov, v zapiranju torb ali žepov, dolžini naramnic, izbiri barv in vrsti tekstilije z vidika trajnosti. Rezultat diplomske naloge bi lahko bil pomemben vir idej in informacij za slovenskega obrtnika, ki izdeluje modne dodatke in bi želel izbrani mladi populaciji na slovenskem trgu ponuditi tekstilne torbe glede na njene želje in potrebe.

Keywords:tekstilna torba, kroj, dijaki, študentje, trajnost, upciklaža
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161020 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Development of student bags from upcycled textiles and clothes
The aim of the thesis was to determine the positive and negative properties of textile bags used by Slovenian students and to use this information in the development of pattern cuts and improved products of this type. In the theoretical part, we first investigated the role and importance of textile bags in the lives of students. We found that the use of simple textile bags, which are similar to sacks and are also called "tote" bags, has grown a lot in recent years among a select population. We presented the importance of selecting the target group and conducting market research in the development of new products and included sustainability and upcycling as an important decision when choosing textiles for their production. In the experimental part, we conducted market research with the help of a questionnaire on the desired characteristics of textile bags among Slovenian students. We included important answers in the development of pattern cuts and the production of new textile bags. To make them, we searched for waste textiles and clothes, presented the selected materials, drew technical fashion sketches and developed their pattern cuts in a scale of 1:6. We have produced seven different textile bags, each of which in its own way satisfies the expressed wishes and needs of Slovenian students. It was established that the selected target group of the Slovenian young population wants different properties of textile bags from those currently found on the market. The differences are mainly visible in the width and length of the pattern cut of the bags, which increase their volume, the size and placement of the pockets, the closure of the bags or pockets, the length of the straps, the choice of colours and the type of textiles from the point of view of sustainability. The results of the thesis could be an important source of ideas and information for a Slovenian craftsman who makes fashion accessories and would like to offer textile bags to a selected young population on the Slovenian market according to their wishes and needs.

Keywords:textile bag, pattern cut, high school students, students, sustainability, upcycling.

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