
Izdelava promocijskih izdelkov skozi kulturno dediščino in tradicijo mesta Žalec
ID Ocvirk, Barbara (Author), ID Vrabič Brodnjak, Urška (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Jestratijević, Iva (Comentor)

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V sklopu izdelave magistrskega dela smo načrtovali in izdelali promocijski izdelek mesta Žalec. Promocijski izdelek je bil izdelan predvsem v namen promocije kulturne dediščine in tradicije mesta. S tem izdelkom želimo še dodatno povečati zanimanje za mesto ter povečati obisk turistov in vseh ostalih radovednežev. Končni izdelek je ekološka embalaža za sladoled, ki vsebuje pametni pokazatelj, ki bo kupcu nudil informacije o temperaturi izdelka. V raziskovalnem delu smo si zastavili več ciljev, ki so nam bili v pomoč pri doseganju končnega rezultata. Prvi cilj je bil, da temeljito opravimo raziskavo grafične podobe mesta ter razumevanje kulturne dediščine in tradicije mesta. Drugi cilj je bil, da temeljito raziščemo dosedanje raziskave na področju embalaže za živila, natančneje embalaže za sladoled, in opravimo raziskavo na področju izdelave papirja iz hmeljevine. Tretji cilj je bil, da pravilno in primerno izberemo materiale za izdelavo embalaže in da izdelamo termokromni pokazatelj. Četrti cilj je bil izdelati papir iz hmeljevine ter določiti njegove mehanske, kemijske, površinske in tiskarske lastnosti. Peti cilj pa je bil predstaviti kulturno dediščino in tradicijo mesta skozi skrbno načrtovanje in oblikovanje končnega izdelka. V teoretičnem delu smo najprej preiskali vse dosedanje raziskave na področju promocijskih sredstev, embalaže in papirja. Del v teoretičnem delu smo posvetili tudi odpadni biomasi, natančneje hmeljevini, ki jo kot ostanek v hmeljarstvu lahko dodatno porabimo. Po zaključenem teoretičnem delu je sledil eksperimentalni del, kjer smo se v prvem delu posvetili podrobni analizi grafične podobe mesta Žalec, kasneje je sledila izdelava promocijskega izdelka in papirja iz hmeljevine. Zadnji korak našega dela je bilo prototipiranje promocijskega izdelka. Rezultati so pokazali, da je naš končni izdelek izpolnil vsa pričakovanja in cilje, ki smo si jih zastavili na začetku delovnega postopka. Končni izdelek tako uspešno predstavlja mesto Žalec in njegovo kulturno dediščino ter tradicijo. Skozi delo smo ugotovili, da je lahko izdelava kakovostnega promocijskega izdelka zelo dolgotrajen in natančen postopek.

Keywords:promocijski izdelek, izdelava papirja, hmeljevina, embalaža, pametna embalaža.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161017 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Production of promotional products through cultural heritage and tradition of Žalec
For the purpose of our master's thesis, we designed and made a promotional product of the town of Žalec. The promotional product was made mainly with the intention to promote the cultural heritage and tradition of the town. Its aim is to further increase the interest for the town and the number of visiting tourists and all other curious travellers. The final product is an ecological promotional product containing a smart indicator. The packaging thus contains a thermochromic indicator, providing information on the product temperature to the buyer. In the empirical part, we set several goals that helped us achieve the final result. The first goal was to thoroughly conduct a study of the visual identity of the town and the understanding of its cultural heritage and tradition. The second goal was to thoroughly examine the research to date in the field of food packaging, in particular ice-cream packaging, and in the field of hop waste paper-making. The third goal was to correctly and appropriately select materials to make packaging and the thermochromic indicator itself. The fourth goal was to make paper from hop waste and determine its mechanical, chemical, surface and printing properties. Finally, the fifth goal was to present the cultural heritage and tradition of the town through the careful planning and design of the final product. In the theoretical part, we first reviewed all research to date in the field of promotional materials, packaging and paper. A section was devoted to waste biomass, hop waste in particular, i.e. waste in the hop-growing sector, which can be further used. The theoretical part concluded was followed by an empirical part, the first section of which focused on a detailed analysis of the visual identity of the town of Žalec, the making of the promotional product and hop waste paper-making. The last step of our work was the prototypisation of the promotional product. The results showed that our final product fulfilled all expectations and goals we set at the beginning of the work process. The final product effectively presents the town of Žalec and its cultural heritage and tradition. Throughout the work, we determined that making a quality promotional product can be a very lengthy and detailed process.

Keywords:promotional product, paper-making, hop waste, packaging, smart packaging.

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