
Izzivi mladoletnikov ob ločitvi ali razvezi staršev
ID Umek, Anja (Author), ID Mesec, Bojana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Rape Žiberna, Tamara (Comentor)

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V diplomskem delu raziskujem izzive, s katerimi se mladoletniki soočajo ob ločitvi oz. razvezi staršev, in njihove načine reševanja teh izzivov. Osredotočam se tudi na to, kakšne spremembe so otroci doživeli po ločitvi oz. razvezi in koliko podpore so prejeli s strani bližnjih, prijateljev ter strokovnih delavcev. Prav tako sem del raziskovanja namenila temu, kakšno podporo strokovnih delavcev bi si sogovorniki želeli prejeti kot otroci oz. kaj bi bili njihovi predlogi za izboljšave strokovnega delovanja na tem področju. V empiričnem delu raziskave sem s kvalitativno analizo raziskovala, kako so otroci doživljali ločitev oz. razvezo staršev, kakšen je bil njihov pogled na odločitev staršev, kakšne izzive so doživljali v tem obdobju in kakšno podporo so prejeli. Kvalitativno sem analizirala osem intervjujev, ki sem jih opravila z mladimi odraslimi, ki so v času otroštva oz. adolescence imeli izkušnjo ločitve ali razveze staršev. Z raziskavo sem ugotovila, da je ločitev oz. razveza otrokom prinesla različne izzive in stresorje, vsak pa se je s temi spopadal na svoj način. Vsem je bilo skupno predvsem to, da so si skušali zapolniti čas in se zamotiti z raznimi aktivnostmi. Kljub temu da je ločitev ali razveza prinesla številne izzive, pa je v življenje otrok prinesla tudi pozitivne spremembe. Sogovorniki so poročali o tem, da so po tem občutili več miru in sproščenosti ter olajšanje. Pomembna vloga socialnega delavca, ki se pri delu sreča z otrokom, ki se sooča z izkušnjo ločitve ali razveze staršev, je pomoč in podpora otroku pri premagovanju izzivov, zagotavljanje varnega prostora in dajanje občutka slišanosti ter možnosti soodločanja.

Keywords:ločitev, razveza, otrok, spopadanje z izzivi, podpora otroku, možnosti izboljšav
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161013 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:The challenges of minors upon the divorce or separation of their parents
In my thesis, I mainly explore the challenges that minors face upon the divorce or separation of their parents and their ways of coping with challenges. I also focus on what changes the children experienced after the separation or divorce and how much support they received from relatives, friends and professionals. I also devoted part of the research to what kind of support from professionals the interviewees would like to receive as children and what would be their suggestions for improving professional performance in this professional field. In the empirical part of the research, I used a qualitative analysis to investigate how children experienced separation or divorce of their parents, what was their view of the parents' decision, what challenges they experienced during this time and what support they received. I qualitatively analyzed eight interviews that were made with young adults who had the experience of separation or divorce of their parents during childhood or adolescence. Through research, I found that separation or divorce brought different challenges and stressors to the children and everyone coped with them in their own way. What they all had in common was that they tried to fill their time and distract themselves with various activities. Although the separation or divorce brought many challenges, it also brought positive changes to the children's lives. Interviewees reported that it brought them more peace, relaxation and relief. An important role of a social worker who at work meets a child who is going through a separation or divorce of parents, is to help and support him in overcoming challenges, providing a safe place and giving a child the feeling of being heard and the possibility of co-decision.

Keywords:separation, divorce, child, coping with challenges, child support, improvement possibilities

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