
Secesija v sodobnem grafičnem oblikovanju
ID Škodnik, Zala (Author), ID Fijavž, Primož (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomski nalogi smo preučevali umetniško gibanje, ki je zaznamovalo prelom iz 19. v 20. stoletje. Kljub temu da delo nosi naslov »Secesija …«, je njegov umetnostni okvir preučevan zlasti skozi njegove gospodarske in družbene razsežnosti in manj skozi natančen zgodovinski razvoj, lokacijo, različna umetniška področja, umetnike in njihov slog. Poudarek je na vzrokih, ki so vzpodbudili nastanek gibanja, in temeljnih idejah, ki so se iz njih razvile: pojavu industrializacije in iz njega razvijajočega se procesa zavedanja človekove duše, umetnosti v »živem« okvirju in umetnosti, ki ni le estetska, temveč vedno tudi uporabna. Nadalje je v stilističnem smislu razloženo, kako so te ideje umetniki predstavili vizualno: skozi izbor tem in motivov narave, njihovo preobrazbo, uporabo organskih vijugastih linij, enakih črkovnih vrst in pomirjujočih barv. Nenazadnje so navedeni razlogi za zaton secesije. V zadnjem poglavju teoretičnega dela smo potegnili vzporednico med takratnim gibanjem in možno rabo njegovih idej danes – kako lahko umetnost odgovori na spreminjajočo se situacijo družbe. Namen eksperimentalnega dela je bil raziskati eno od možnih rab idej gibanja danes – zavajajoče dele pogojev uporabe družbenih omrežij. Izbrali smo tri takšna besedila iz treh različnih družbenih omrežij, jih jezikovno poenostavili in jih s pomočjo ilustracije predstavili na plakatih. Dobljene rezultate smo likovno in sporočilno analizirali.

Keywords:secesija, digitalizacija, družbena omrežja, pogoji uporabe, plakat
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-161009 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.09.2024
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Title:Art Nouveau in Contemporary Graphic Design
In this diploma thesis, we studied the artistic movement that marked the turn of the 19th to the 20th century. Although the work bears the title »Art Nouveau...«, its artistic context is studied primarily through its economic and social dimensions and less through its precise historical development, location, various art fields, artists and their style. Emphasis is placed on the causes that gave rise to the movement and the fundamental ideas that developed from it: the emergence of industrialisation and the process of awareness of the human soul that develops from it, art in a “living” context, and art that is not only aesthetic, but always useful. Furthermore, in a stylistic sense, it explains how the artists presented these ideas visually: through the selection of themes and motifs of nature, their transformation, the use of organic winding lines, identical letter types and soothing colours. Finally, there are reasons for the collapse of the secession. In the last chapter of the theoretical part, we draw a parallel between the movement at that time and the possible use of its ideas today – how art can respond to the changing situation of society. The purpose of the experimental work was to explore one of the possible uses of movement ideas today – the misleading parts of the terms of use of social networks. We selected three such texts from three different social networks, simplified them linguistically and presented them on posters with the help of illustrations. The results were analyzed visually and in terms of meaning.

Keywords:Art Nouveau, digitalisation, social networks, Terms and Conditions, poster

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