
Gradnja drugega železniškega tira Divača–Koper v sklopu evropskega Mediteranskega železniškega koridorja : diplomsko delo
ID Tešić, Darko (Author), ID Lajh, Damjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomskem delu obravnavam prometno politiko s poudarkom na razvoju projekta izgradnje drugega železniškega tira med Divačo in Koprom, ki je del Mediteranskega železniškega koridorja. Namen dela je raziskati, kako Evropska unija z železniškimi koridorji krepi povezave med trgi ter povečuje učinkovitost transportne integracije držav članic. Drugi železniški tir med Divačo in Koprom predstavlja ključno infrastrukturo za nemoteno delovanje več železniških koridorjev, ki pomembno vplivajo na ladijski promet in Luko Koper. V nalogi sem preučil pomen železniškega prometa za gospodarski razvoj, pri čemer je jasno razvidno, da krepitev železniške infrastrukture pozitivno vpliva tudi na druge gospodarske sektorje, kar povečuje konkurenčnost. Cilj dela je prikazati, kaj Mediteranski železniški koridor prinaša Sloveniji in Evropski uniji ter analizirati proces odločanja o projektu na nacionalni in nadnacionalni ravni. Skozi leta pogajanj in odločanja v Sloveniji so nastale spremembe, ki so vplivale na pripravo in izvedbo projekta. Preučil sem vplive z obeh ravni na razvoj tega infrastrukturnega projekta, ter analiziral njihov vpliv na uspešnost in časovnico izgradnje. Diplomsko delo se osredotoča na pomen strateške umestitve Slovenije v evropsko prometno omrežje in koristi, ki jih prinaša celotni regiji.

Keywords:prometna politika, Mediteranski koridor, drugi železniški tir, Evropska unija, infrastruktura
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:D. Tešić
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (53 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160981 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:207603203 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Development of the second Divača–Koper railway track as part of the European Mediterranean Railway Corridor
In my thesis, I analyze transport policy with a focus on the development of the second railway track between Divača and Koper, part of the Mediterranean Rail Corridor. This study investigates how the European Union strengthens market connections and improves transport cooperation among member states through rail corridors. The second railway track is key infrastructure ensuring the smooth operation of several rail corridors, crucial for sea traffic and the Port of Koper. I explored the importance of rail transport for economic development, highlighting that improved rail infrastructure positively impacts other economic sectors, thereby increasing competitiveness. The objective of the thesis is to show the benefits the Mediterranean Rail Corridor brings to Slovenia and the EU and to analyze the decision-making process for the project at both national and international levels. Over the years, various changes in Slovenia have affected the project's planning and implementation. I examined the influence of these factors on the project's development and their effect on its success and timeline. The thesis highlights the strategic importance of Slovenia's position within the European transport network and the advantages it offers to the entire region.

Keywords:transport policy, Mediterranean Corridor, second railway track, European Union, infrastructure

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