
Stroškovno in energijsko optimalna prenova enodružinske hiše : diplomska naloga
ID Urh, Urša (Author), ID Košir, Mitja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Božiček, David (Comentor)

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Diplomsko delo obravnava različne pristope k energijski prenovi enodružinske hiše. Z energetskim pregledom objekta so določeni vsi konstrukcijski sklopi in gradniki ovoja. Na podlagi lastnosti ovoja in robnih pogojev so izdelane analize energijske učinkovitosti stavbe. Rezultati so predstavljeni s kazalniki energetske učinkovitosti. Za vsak zakonodajno neustrezen gradnik ovoja je predlagana prenova, ki zniža njegovo toplotno prehodnost na dovoljeno vrednost. Prenove so smiselno razdeljene po scenarijih, ki so primerjani na podlagi rabe energije in ekonomske upravičenosti, pri kateri se opazuje čas povrnitve investicije in razliko stroškov scenarijev po 30 letih obratovanja objekta. Določeni so stroški ogrevanja in hlajenja objekta za vse scenarije. V izračun je zajeta cena posameznih virov energije z upoštevanjem izkoristka energenta. Cilj diplomskega dela je primerjava scenarijev prenov z izhodiščnim scenarijem. Primerjava je pokazala velika odstopanja ekonomske upravičenosti izvedbe posameznih scenarijev. Na podlagi izračunov je določena optimalna prenova enodružinske hiše, kjer so združeni scenariji prenov z najnižjim investicijskim stroškom in hkratnim največjim vplivom na znižanje rabe energije. Izkazalo se je, da ima celovita prenova dobo povračila investicijskih stroškov 14 let. V scenariju optimizirane prenove pa se investicijski strošek povrne v 8 letih. Glede na izhodiščni scenarij znaša pri optimizirani prenovi razlika vseh investicijskih stroškov in stroškov obratovanja po 30 letih obratovanja 76.329,63 €.

Keywords:diplomske naloge, gradbeništvo, prenova, raba energije v stavbi, vrednotenje vseživljenjskih stroškov
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[U. Urh]
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datotek PDF (XI, 64 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160970-69552b84-d288-3655-0321-cf07e594330d This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:207387395 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Cost and energy-optimal renovation of a single-family house : graduation thesis
The thesis addresses various approaches to the energy renovation of a single-family house based on residential building analyses. An energy review of the building identifies all construction assemblies and components of the envelope. Analyses of the building's energy efficiency is performed based on the properties of the envelope and boundary conditions. The results are presented with indicators of the building's energy efficiency. For each envelope component that does not meet legal standards, a renovation is proposed to improve its thermal transmittance. The renovation scenarios combine sensible upgrades, which are compared based on energy consumption and economic feasibility, considering the scenarios' payback period and cost differences over 30 years of operation. The costs of heating and cooling the building are determined for all scenarios. The calculation includes the price of individual energy sources, considering the energy source's efficiency. The aim of the thesis is to compare renovation scenarios with the baseline scenario. The comparison shows significant deviations in the economic feasibility of implementing individual scenarios. Based on the calculations, an optimal renovation of the single-family house is determined, combining scenarios with the lowest investment cost and the most significant impact on the building's energy efficiency. It is found that a comprehensive renovation has a payback period of 14 years. Compared to the baseline scenario, the investment cost of the optimized renovation scenario is recovered in 8 years, with the difference in all investment and operating costs amounting to 76,329.63 € over 30 years.

Keywords:graduation thesis, civil engineering, renovation, building energy use, life cycle costing

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