In the year 2011, the presence of saproxylic entomofauna and saproxylic birds in stand of Pinus sylvestris L. in Prealpine ecological region in Slovenia was assessed. The insects were collected in 14-days intervals, from May to November. Three cross vane funnel traps with wet collecting cups and attractants (?-pinen + ethanol, GALLOPROTECT 2D, control) were used. The trapswere set in the lower canopy. Two wood-boring insect families from the order Coleoptera were diagnosed: Cerambycidae and Curculionidae (subfam. Scolytinae). The most numerous species were from the family Cerambycidae. Seven different taxa were identified, the dominant species was Monochamus galloprovincialis (65 %), followed by Spondylis buprestoides (23 %). Other species were: M. sutor, Rhagium inquisitor, Arhopalus rusticus and Leiopus nebulosus. Using the so-called Žplay backŽ method, species from family Picidaewere identified, whose dietary base are saproxylic insects. Determination of species of birds was conducted in four replicates at ten census points. The following species from family woodpeckes Picidae were identified: Picus viridis, Dryocopus martius and Dendrocopos major. Dietary habits of these birds were associated with typical injuries in decaying wood, and it was concluded that they are fed with these saproxylic beetles.