
ID Grbović, Leila (Author), ID Krašovec, Primož (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo je poskus kritične analize pisave kot prevladujoče medijske oblike družb od 18. stoletja do vznika novih informacijsko-komunikacijskih tehnologij, ki zamajejo monopol pisave nad produkcijo, distribucijo in potrošnjo informacij. Delo se najprej posveča medijskim specifikam pisave, od katerih kot najpomembnejšo obravnava njeno tendenco linearizacije. S tem, ko pisava človekovo percepcijo zunanjega sveta zvede na linearno sosledje grafemov, namreč poraja specifično obliko mišljenja in razumevanja realnosti. Zavest, ki odgovarja mediju pisave, je prav tako linearna – ker dogodke zunanjega sveta ureja v vzročno-posledična zaporedja, je ta zavest zgodovinska. V nadaljevanju se delo ukvarja z usodo tandema pisave in zgodovinske zavesti v času medijske revolucije, ko novi avdiovizualni mediji nase prevzamejo nekatere bistvene funkcije, ki jih je prej opravljala izključno pisava. Kot novo prevladujočo medijsko obliko sodobnih družb delo obravnava binarno kodo, ki programira računalnike, pri čemer pozornost pritiče predvsem vizualizaciji te nove dominantne kode, torej t.i. »tehnopodobam«. V tem kontekstu raziskuje vprašanje, kakšne implikacije imata binarna koda in njene tehnopodobe za oblikovanje novih, nelinearnih načinov razmišljanja, in kako dovzetni so le-ti za ideološke manipulacije.

Keywords:pisava, linearna zavest, binarna koda, tehnopodoba, spektakel, ideologija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[L. Grbović]
Number of pages:54 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160967 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.09.2024
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The thesis is an attempt to critically analyse script as the dominant media form in societies from the 18th century until the emergence of new information and communication technologies that break the monopoly of writing over the production, distribution and consumption of information. The work first focuses on the media specificities of script, the most important of which is its tendency towards linearisation. In the way that script transforms the human perception of the external world to a linear sequence of graphemes, it gives rise to a specific form of thinking and understanding of reality. The consciousness that responds to the medium of writing is also linear – because it arranges the events of the external world in cause-and-effect sequences, this consciousness is historical. The thesis then turns to the fate of the tandem of writing and historical consciousness in the era of the media revolution, when the new audiovisual media take over some of the essential functions previously performed exclusively by script. The thesis observes the binary code that programs computers as the new dominant media form of contemporary societies, focusing on the visualisation of this new dominant code, the so-called "technical images". In this context, it explores the question of what implications binary code and its technical images carry for the creation of new, non-linear ways of thinking, and how susceptible these are to ideological manipulation.

Keywords:script, linear consciousness, binary code, technical image, spectacle, ideology

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