
Uporaba Lasserrejevih hierarhij v računalniški grafiki
ID Terplan, Žan (Author), ID Zalar, Aljaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Glajenje ploskev je pomemben postopek pri optimizaciji tridimenzionalnih modelov, zlasti v kontekstu simulacij in računalniške grafike. V diplomskem delu predstavimo in analiziramo metodo glajenja heksaedrskih mrež, ki temelji na uporabi matematičnega algoritma, imenovanega Lasserrejeve hierarhije. Metodo preizkušamo na dveh različnih modelih z uporabo različnih velikosti in intenzitet Gaussovega šuma. Negladkosti ocenjujemo tako, da primerjamo vizualne karakteristike modelov in numerične vrednosti Jacobijevih determinant heksaedrov. S tem ugotavljamo stopnjo negladkosti mreže, pri kateri je glajenje še uspešno.

Keywords:računalniška grafika, pozitivni polinom, heksaedrska mreža, Lasserrejeve hierarhije, popravljanje mrež
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160945 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.09.2024
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Title:Usage of Lasserre hierarchies in computer graphics
Mesh surface smoothing is an important process in the optimization of three-dimensional models, especially in the context of simulations and computer graphics. In this thesis, we present and analyze a method for smoothing hexahedral meshes, based on the use of a mathematical algorithm called the Lasserre hierarchy. We test the method on two different models, using various sizes and intensities of Gaussian noise. We assess smoothness by comparing the visual characteristics of the models and the numerical values of the Jacobian determinants of the hexahedra. This allows us to determine the level of mesh deformation at which smoothing is still successful.

Keywords:computer graphics, positive polynomial, hexahedral mesh, Lasserre hierarchies, mesh repair

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