
Združevanje sprememb na izvorni kodi podatkovno pretokovnih programskih jezikov
ID Leban, Alen (Author), ID Čibej, Uroš (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Z razvojem programskih jezikov so se pojavile tudi različne grafične in strukturne predstavitve njihovih programov - ena od oblik je t.i. podatkovno pretokovna koda, ki jo lahko modeliramo s teorijo grafov. Težava se pojavi, ko npr. več članov neke ekipe skuša neodvisno med seboj spreminjati tako kodo in po končanem delu vse spremembe združiti v eno različico. V primeru tekstovne kode lahko spremembe združujemo hitro in manj tvegano, medtem ko je enak postopek nad neko predstavitvijo grafov v veliko primerih napačen. V tej diplomski nalogi raziskujemo učinkovit način reševanja ene oblike problema največjega skupnega podgrafa s povezavami z razvojem hevrističnega algoritma za identifikacijo sprememb med različicami podatkovno pretokovnih grafov in razreševanje konfliktov, ki nastajajo med postopkom združevanja. V zadnjem poglavju tudi opišemo delovanje interaktivnega uporabinškega vmesnika za lažje izvajanje celotnega postopka združevanja.

Keywords:graf, izomorfizem, sistem za nadzor različic, združevanje, optimizacijski algoritem, hevristični algoritem, podatkovno pretokovni graf
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160944 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:209965571 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.09.2024
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Title:Merging changes on source code of data flow programming languages
With the development of programming languages, various graphical and structural representations of their programs have also emerged—one of these forms is the so-called data flow code, which can be modeled using graph theory. The problem arises, for example, when several members of a team try to independently modify such code and then merge all the changes into a single version after the work is done. In the case of textual code, changes can be merged quickly and with less risk, whereas the same process for some graph representation is often incorrect. In this thesis, we explore an efficient method for solving a form of the maximum common subgraph problem by developing a heuristic algorithm to identify changes between versions of data flow graphs and resolve conflicts that arise during the merging process. In the final chapters, we also describe the functionality of an interactive user interface designed to facilitate the entire merging process.

Keywords:graph, isomorphism, version control system, merging, optimization algorithm, heuristic algorithm, data flow graph

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