
Merilni sistem za merjenje histereze tokovno-napetostne karakteristike perovskitnih sončnih celic pri različnih frekvencah napetostnega preleta
ID Remec, Tjaša (Author), ID Pirc, Matija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Jošt, Marko (Comentor)

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V diplomskem delu je predstavljen razvoj merilnega sistema za preučevanje histereze tokovno-napetostne karakteristike, ki je posebnost perovskitnih sončnih celic. Zasnovani sistem omogoča meritev tokovno-napetostne karakteristike s trikotnim napetostnim signalom med 0 V in napetostjo odprtih sponk v frekvenčnem območju med 0,1 in 2000 Hz. Načrtovano je bilo tiskano vezje, ki je krmiljeno z razvojno ploščico MiŠKo 3.0. V Matlabu programiran uporabniški vmesnik služi nastavljanju smeri trikotnega signala, frekvence meritev ter časa med njimi. Zasnovan merilni sistem je kompakten in ne potrebuje drage merilne opreme. Merilni sistem smo preizkusili z meritvijo na silicijevi fotodiodi, silicijevi sončni celici ter perovskitni sončni celici, kjer smo uspešno pomerili histerezen potek I-U karakteristike. Sistem omogoča kompenzacijo prednapetosti na negativni sponki sončne celice, kar olajšuje združljivost z drugimi sistemi. Podpira meritve sončnih celic z napetostmi odprtih sponk do 3,1 V in kratkostičnimi tokovi do 60 mA.

Keywords:histereza tokovno-napetostne karakteristike, perovskitne sončne celice, merilni sistem
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160904-840a7c55-c30b-be5c-8d3b-3c6573cc0cf7 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:206509827 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Measuring system for measuring the hysteresis of the current-voltage characteristic of perovskite solar cells at different frequencies of voltage scan
The thesis presents the development of a measurement system designed to investigate the hysteresis phenomenon in the current-voltage characteristics, a unique feature of perovskite solar cells. The system is capable of measuring I-V characteristics using a triangular voltage signal ranging from 0 V to open-circuit voltage at frequencies between 0,1 and 2000 Hz. A printed circuit board was designed. The system is controlled by the MiŠKo 3.0 development board. The user interface, programmed in Matlab, allows for setting the direction of the triangular signal, measurement frequency, and time intervals between measurements. The developed system is compact and does not require expensive measuring equipment. The measurement system was tested on a silicon photodiode, a silicon solar cell, and a perovskite solar cell, successfully illustrating the hysteresis observed in the I-V characteristics. The system supports compensation of the pre-bias voltage on the negative electrode of the solar cell, facilitating compatibility with other systems. It can measure solar cells with open-circuit voltages up to 3,1 V and short-circuit currents up to 60 mA.

Keywords:I-V hysteresis, perovskite solar cells, measurement system

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