
Razlogi mladih žensk, da se v današnjem času odločajo za zgodnje ustvarjanje družine in poroko
ID Ritonja, Ela (Author), ID Sobočan, Ana Marija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V svojem diplomskem delu sem se osredotočila na razloge, zakaj se mlade ženske v današnjem času odločajo za zgodnje ustvarjanje družine in poroko. V teoretičnem uvodu opišem življenjske poteke in družbene spremembe ter njihove vplive, nato opišem tudi spremembe v pomenu poroke in pomenu starševstva, prav tako pa sem nagovorila višanje starosti ženske ob rojstvu prvega otroka in višanje starosti ženske ob sklenitvi zakonske zveze. V zadnjem delu teoretičnega dela je opisan še fenomen podaljševanja mladosti in predstavim dejavnike, ki vplivajo na odločitev za starševstvo, in dejavnike, ki vplivajo na vstop v zakonsko zvezo. V empiričnem delu je predstavljena kvalitativna in eksplorativna raziskava, v okviru katere sem izvedla intervjuje. S pomočjo vodila za intervju sem pogovor izvedla s šestimi ženskami v starostni skupini od 20 do 29 let, od katerih so se tri v zgodnjih dvajsetih letih odločile za poroko, preostale tri pa so se odločile za ustvarjanje družine oziroma materinstvo. Sogovornice so mi ponudile vpogled v svojo odločitev za poroko in ustvarjanje družine, prav tako pa so govorile o podpori, ki so jo pri tem potrebovale ali pa bi jo potrebovale. Populacijo v moji raziskavi so sestavljale vse mlade mame in mlade poročene ali zaročene ženske v letu 2023/24, ki prebivajo v Sloveniji in so stare od 20 do 29 let. Vzorec je neslučajnostni in priročen, saj sem intervjuje opravila z ženskami, ki so mi bile najbolj dostopne. V empiričnem delu sem prav tako odgovorila na naslednja raziskovalna vprašanja: kateri dejavniki vplivajo na odločitev mladih žensk, da si ustvarijo družino ali se poročijo, kakšno vlogo imata ekonomska stabilnost in finančna situacija, kako mnenja družine, prijateljev ter partnerja vplivajo na odločitve, kakšna je vloga družbene podpore, kako osebne izkušnje vplivajo na odločitev mladih žensk za ustvarjanje družine in poroko in ali je odločitev mladih žensk za ustvarjanje družine in poroko kako vplivala na njihovo izobraževanje in kariero. Nagovorila sem tudi, kakšno podporo so ženske izrazile, da bi potrebovale s strani družbe in institucij pri odločanju za poroko in ustvarjanje družine, za kar sem predloge podala na koncu. Rezultati raziskave so koristni tako zame kot tudi za socialne delavce in druge strokovnjake, ki delajo na področju družine ali dela z mladimi.

Keywords:mlade ženske, ustvarjanje družine, poroka, življenjski poteki, podaljševanje mladosti
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-160885 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Reasons for young women to start a family and get married early in today's society.
In my diploma thesis I write about the reasons why young women in today's society decide to start a family and marry early. In the theoretical introduction, I describe the concepts of life course and social change and their effects. I then describe the changes in the importance of marriage and parenthood and discuss the increase in the age at which women give birth to first child and the increase in the age at which women marry. In the last part of the theoretical section, I describe the phenomenon of prolonged youth and discuss the factors that influence the decision to become parents and the factors that influ-ence the decision to marry. In the empirical section, I present the qualitative and exploratory research in which I conducted the interviews. Using an interview guide, I interviewed six women between the ages of 20 and 29, three of whom had decided to marry in their early twenties and three of whom had decided to start a family or become a mother. They gave me insights into their decision to marry and start a family, and also talked about the support they needed or would need to do so. The population of my research consisted of all young mothers and young married or engaged women aged betwen 20 and 29 living in Slovenia in 2023/24. The sample is non-random and convenient, as I interviewed women who were easiest for me to reach. In the empirical section, I also answered the following research questions: what factors influence young women's decision to start a family or get married, what role do economic stability and financial situation play, how do the perceptions of family, friends and partners influence the decision, what role does social support play, how do personal experiences influence young women's decision to start a family and get mar-ried, and did young women's decision to start a family and get married have an impact on their education and career. I also looked at what kind of support women say they need from both society and institutions when they decide to get married and start a family, for which I made some suggestions at the end. The results of the study are not only relevant for myself, but also for social workers and other professionals working in the field of family or youth work.

Keywords:young women, starting a family, marriage, life courses, prolonged youth

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